Part 121

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(We see Ash, Pikachu and Lucario rushing to Raihan's gym as they arrive)

Ash: (laughs) aren't you psyched Pikachu, Lucario? (They agree as Raihan walks up behind them)

Raihan: I was wondering who that was and it happens to be today's challenger.

Ash: hi Raihan!

Raihan: why are you here so early?

Ash: you see I was too excited to stay away any longer. How about you?

Raihan: the truth is I'm already on my home turf. Of course I'd be here early. I'd never figured you'd make it thus far but this is where your journey ends because I'll win.

Ash: well I'm not gonna lose.

(They look to a bush where they hear a noise as they look to see it's Leon yawning as he's been sleeping in a bush as he sits up)

Leon: morning. Ash, Raihan.

Ash: it's Leon!

Raihan: just what are you doing sleeping there?

Leon: well I didn't wanna be late for the battle between you two. Guess I got excited.

Raihan: huh you too?

Ash: great! I'm gonna win todays battle and then I'm gonna battle you!

Leon: got it, I'm looking forward to it.

Ash: you hear what he just said Pikachu? 

(We see Raihan looking at Leon)

Leon: I want you to show me the best battle I've ever seen!

(We cut to the stadium as we hear the crowd cheering as we see Goh and (Y/N))

Goh: let's really cheer Ash on! (We see he has cinderace and grookey with him)

(Y/N): oh yeah, it's time.

Announcer: welcome everyone. The Pokémon world coronation series presenting you with the best Pokémon battles on the globe is presently determining the pinnacle of trainers, the masters 8! We are bringing you this season's entrance battle with a spot in the masters 8 on the line. First ranked at number nine, a trainer with a battling style that is impossible to predict! Ever since he entered the world coronation series his rise has been nothing but meteoric! Coming from the Kanto region, Ash Ketchum! (Ash had walked out and waving as the crowd cheer)

Goh: Ash, get em!

(Y/N): you've got this!

Announcer: facing him and ranked number 8, our very own Hammerlocke gym leader. Combining a calm and cool demeanour with a passionate battling styles, he's called the dragon storm, Raihan! (We see Raihan walking out (Raihan grins and raises his arms as the crowd cheer and they're way louder than the ones for Ash)

Goh: you know what, I think Raihan is really popular!

(Y/N): what do you expect he's good with his fans and this is his home playing field where more people who support and recognise him reside.

(Cinderace says something as Goh understands)

Goh: you're right, we can't let the crowd out cheer us. DO IT ASH!!!


Announcer: this is the last battles ti determine who'll be in the masters 8 tournament, just what kind of battle is in store. So champion, any thoughts?

Leon: their fighting spirit is spreading throughout the arena, this should be one of the most entertaining battles yet!

Referee: alright we'll use the same rules as the masters 8 tournament! 3 Pokémon per side, trainers may often switch out their Pokémon as often as they like, a contestant who leaves all his opponent's Pokémon unable to battle is the winner and each side may only use 1 of the following during the battle. Dynamax, Z moves or mega evolution (we focus in one Raihan's dynamax band and Ash's keystone)

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