Part 143: Partners in Time!

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Ash: Eternatus...

Leon: what's going on?

Commentator: could that be, the Pokémon that threw the entire Galar region into chaos, Eternatus!

(With Dawn, Chloe and (Y/N))

Chloe: (Y/N), what's going on?

(Y/N): (keeping his eyes on Eternatus) I'm not sure...

(Y/N) thoughts: why is Eternatus here? Is it this mass amount of energy? I hope it doesn't go out of control otherwise we'll have to stop it. However, I'll believe in Eternatus for right now.

(With Sonia and Hop)

Sonia: (on the phone to Magnolia) tell me Gran, are things alright there? Eternatus appeared above Wyndon stadium.

(With Magnolia)

Magnolia: yes Sonia were fine, tell me how you are.

Sonia: (over the phone) the Galar particles above us are acting strangely 

Magnolia: I see. So then it's possible Eternatus is reacting to that.

(Back at Wyndon stadium as Eternatus flies above as it shouts an attack into the black clouds causing strong winds as the black clouds are essentially just destroyed as we see the clear blue skies once again as we see people outside the stadium, even a disguised chairman rose and Oleana feeling the strong gusts of wind as Pikachu is blown back by it as Ash catches it)

Ash: Pikachu!

(Charizard uses it's wing to protect itself as the strong winds stop Leon notices Galar particles coming down from the sky as his and Ash's dynamax bands react to essentially getting recharged as Leon looks at the flying legendary Pokémon and creator of these particles)

Sonia: Eternatus... but why...

(With Magnolia)

Magnolia: the stability of the Galar particles is the stability of the Galar region. Eternatus has just appeared to have protected everyone one of us and the regions peace.

(We cut back to Eternatus as we see it fly off after saving everyone as it's free and out in the wild once again)

Leon: Eternatus, thanks so much.

(With Hop and Sonia)

Hop: how cool was that!

Sonia: I hope it will keep watching over us in the future.

(With team rocket)

Jessie: to protect the world from devastation ...

James: to defend all people within our nation...

Jessie: to illuminate with beams of truth and of love...

James: to extend its reach to the stars above...

Meowth: rocking Eternatus love...

Wobbufett: (quietly) wobbufett.

(Then we see hangry morpeko has no care and is still eating)

Commentator: now it's time I think we got back to the match.

Leon: amazing! (Lifts his arm with the dynamax band on as it's glowing) eternatus gave us a bonus round!

Ash: huh? (Looks as his is glowing too) yeah, my dynamax band...

Leon: I hope you're watching Eternatus. Charizard return (returns charizard)

Commentator: Leon has returned charizard to it's pokeball.

Leon: (We see he switches out for cinderace's pokeball) cinderace I'll go with you.  (Leon then proceeds and activates his dynamax band as the pokeball is coated in dynamax energy and grows larger) gigantamax! (He throws it as out comes cinderace as we see it looks different as it grows larger as we see it is on a giant fireball as it's ears get longer as it's now gmax cinderace)

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