Part 134

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(A/N): before we continue I'd like to apologise for being an idiot. You'll probably have noticed when I do PWC battles I have the person talking throughout the battle as the 'announcer' but he's not the announcer, he's a commentator because he's obviously doing the commentary of the battle so I'd like to apologise and say that from here on out it'll be the commentator, though there is an announcer but that's just at the start the person speaking throughout is the commentator, that's my bad and I'll make sure not to make that mistake from here on out.

(We continue where we left off)

(Y/N) thoughts: he knew I was gonna bring Venusaur he must have guessed I was gonna send out venusaur instead of bisharp knowing that I'm not sending Dragonite out unless it's charizard related issues.

(Y/N): (grins) seems you're onto me. Well I guess if I want a fighting chance I have to play it early. (Activates his mega ring) let's get stronger and stronger, mega evolve!

(We see him activate his mega ring as he mega evolves Venusaur into mega Venusaur)

commentator: (Y/N) has used mega evolution right  off the bat!

(Y/N): venusaur sludge bomb!

Leon: block them and use psychic terrain!

(Mr rime twirls it's cane fast and blocks the sludge bombs and the uses psychic terrain as the battlefield has this put olé glow and goes weird)

commentator: and mr rime uses psychic terrain!

Leon: Venusaur may be able to take ice attacks better but not psychic type attacks! Use expanding force!

(Mr time points it's cane at mega venusaur as thus psychic stuff heads straight towards it)

(Y/N): Venusaur return! (Returns venusaur) bisharp let's go!

(Sends out bisharp as the attack hits but does nothing)

commentator: a tactical switch as expanding force does nothing!

(Y/N): bisharp iron head!

(Bisharp charges in with iron head)

Leon: freeze dry!

(Mr rime uses freeze dry as bisharp is not fazed as it gets closer but we see as it's twirling it's cane and using freeze as the ground around it starts freezing as we see bisharp is struggling to keep its balance but as it gets close mr rime dodges as we see it's tap dancing while sliding and ice skating around on the ice)

(Y/N): that's some freeze dry. Alright bisharp use those sharp hands of yours to help you use iron head!

(We see see bisharp use it's spikes on it's hands to act like those poles you use when skiing and help it traverse the icy terrain as it tries to land iron head but mr rime just keeps evading)

Leon: triple axel!

(Mr rime dodges and then delivers a series of kicks hitting bisharp and causing it to skid back)

commentator: as the battle continues despite being at a type disadvantage mr rime is in control of the battle!

(Y/N): bisharp use night slash!

(Bisharp tries once more to use night slash as mr rime skates about)

(Y/N): keep calm and focus!

(Bisharp closes it's eyes as it rushes in and then opens them and then lunges and hits mr rime with a night slash)

(Y/N): again!

Leon: parry it!

(We see mr rime using its cane as its cane and night slash from bisharp clash and it has become a duel as we see they're clashing hur due to the icy battlefield mr rime is starting to get the edge)

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