Part 106

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(We start off at Cerise lab)

Ash: you ready?

(Y/N): heck yeah. I'm gonna beat Marshal.

Goh: that's the spirit.

(They head off to Galar as they reach Stow-on-Side stadium and as they arrive they see Marshall as Bea does a bow of respect of sorts before he heads inside)

(Y/N): I'm full of fighting spirit now.

(We cut to the match starting)

Announcer: welcome to Stow-on-Side stadium ladies and gentlemen! Today's world coronation series ultra class battle will be a 3 vs 3! On one side we have one of the elite 4 of the Unova region who has recently travelled and trained in Galar, currently ranked 14th and wearing a dynamax band it is Marshall! (He walks out serious and focused) and his opponent currently ranked 17th in the world coronation series from Blackthorn City and overcoming the odds against Tobias and someone according to records has not lost a world coronation series battle yet is (Y/N) (L/N)! (He walks out ready) and it seems he's chosen a dynamax band for today too!

Goh: wait, (Y/N) isn't using Dragonite though.

Ash: we'll see who he uses it for.

Rotom drone: will both trainers please send out their Pokémon, thank you! In 3...2...1 go!

Marshall/(Y/N): go!/I choose you!

(They both send out their Pokémon as (Y/N) sends out galarian slowbro and Marshal sends out medicham)

Announcer: so the first two Pokémon are medicham and slowbro!

Rotom drone: begin!

Marshal: medicham use zen headbutt!

(Medicham rushes in with zen headbutt)

(Y/N): use psychic!

(However Galarian slowbro is a bit slow and is hit by zen headbutt as the two heads clash but whole medicham does damage it is the one who gets knocked back and slowbro seems relatively fine and clueless as usual as it then use psychic and levitated and smashes medicham into the ground)

Goh: it always was hardheaded (Ash laughs at this)

(Y/N): use surf!

(Galarian slowpoke uses surf as it rides the waves)

Marshal: ice punch!

(Medicham leaps up and uses ice punch and freezes the water of surf and galarian slowbro falls off and in front of medicham)

Announcer: such power! It's ice punch managed to freeze all that water and it seems Slowbro has took a tumble!

Marshal: fire punch!

(In an absolute smooth manner it switches from ice punch in its left hand to igniting its right hand in fire and hitting galarian slowbro with a point blank fire punch and hits it through the ice as it comes crashing through and landing on (Y/N)'s side of the battlefield as it gets back up)

(Y/N): you okay? (Slowbro nods) alright then use surf again!

(Slowbro uses surf as the waves come crashing over the iced up one and hits medicham)

Marshal: now jump!

(Medicham jumps even after getting hit by surf)

Marshal: now use high jump kick!

(Medicham gets ready to use high jump kick)

(Y/N): shell side arm!

(Galarian slowbro gets a serious expression and shoots loads of poison out at fast speeds hitting Medicham and avoids the high jump kick as Medicham is hurt)

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