Part 98

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(We start off at Hulbury stadium as (Y/N), Ash and Goh arrive)

(Y/N): so we're back here again

Goh: this time for your match against Nessa

(Y/N): and I'm gonna try my hardest to win.

(They arrive at the stadium before the match is set to start as they see no one there)

(Y/N): I thought Nessa would be at her own gym?

Camilla: you'd be mistaken.

(They look to see Camilla)

Ash: hey it's Camilla!

Goh: hey there!

Camilla: hey guys!

(Y/N): so where's Nessa?

Camilla: you see, whilst she is a gym leader she's also got a career as a model. (Shows them some of her modelling work (one of the main ones being what she looks like on her rare league card)

(Y/N): so she's busy right now?

Camilla: exactly, but this is the perfect time for training. I wanna have a 3 vs 3 battle with one mechanic of a Z move, mega evolution or dynamax.

(Y/N): sure.

(We see they're one other side of the battlefield as they both get ready to send out a Pokémon)

(Y/N)/Camilla: I choose you!

(She sends out a make jellicent as (Y/N) sends out barraskewda)

(Y/N): Jellicent?

Camilla: this is training remember, I'm preparing you for Nessa (Y/N)

(Y/N): I know just the choice intrigued me. Alright barraskewda use bite!

(Barraskewda zooms in the water as it heads towards jellicent with bite as jellicent takes it head on and is pretty much fine as it shakes barreskewda off)

(Y/N): Bite again!

(Barreskewda doesn't seem to be able too)

(Y/N): dammit, cursed body.

Camilla: lesson 1, her Pokémon are pretty tanky. Plus she may seem nice but she's not all that she seems. Now use shadow ball

(Y/N): drill run!

(Barraskewda uses drill run as it cuts through the shadow ball and hits jellicent)

(Y/N): (returns barraskewda) come back for now barraskewda. Go! (Sends out maractus)

Camilla: will o wisp!

(Y/N): sucker punch and then dodge!

(Maractus use sucker punch hitting jellicent and dodges the will o wisp)

(Y/N): now use mega drain!

(Maractus uses mega drain hitting jellicent and jellicent is unable to battle)

Camilla: return for now. (Returns Jellicent) go! (Sends out gastrodon)

(Y/N): mega drain again!

(Maractus fires mega drain hitting gastrodon who doesn't seemed to fazed)

Camilla: you're gonna need more power than that, use ice beam!

(Gastrodon uses ice beam cutting through the mega drain and hitting Maractus who is still standing but took a lot of damage)

(Y/N): woah, okay we have to be careful (maractus nods)

Camilla: how are you gonna be able to beat Nessa if you can't even beat these Pokémon of mine! I've challenged Nessa with these very three Pokémon and lost the first time! However, I luckily managed to beat her on my early travels throughout Galar!

Pokémon journeys Male reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now