Part 53

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(We see Pokémon playing with each other as the water Pokémon play with a ball, geodude and Mankey fight over a ball, bunnelby on a ball, rattata and sentret pushing a ball and venonat rolling around)

Ash: Pikachu here it comes (Pikachu whacks the ball cubone hit over as if it were golf as sobble chases after the ball and gets it only for darmanitan to jump out and scare it on purpose)

Goh: sobble are you-

(Sobble runs off)

(Y/N): (scary look) so you're at it again, huh darmanitan.

(Afterwards we see Pikachu comforting sobble)

Ash: sobble everything's fine.

Goh: darmanitan can't seem to resist pulling a prank, sometimes a little payback is good.

(Y/N): hey I told darmanitan off for you, next time one of my Pokémon will deck him in the schnoz.

(Sobble still looks sad)

Goh: (giggles nervously) that's sobble alright.

Ren: man, amazing. (They look at Ren) so while I was out for lunch I saw a movie being made near the warehouses and guess what it was. The next chapter of the spy and sidekick series!

(Y/N): (sweatdrops) uh Ren, you're supposed to give us a chance to make a guess. Though we probably would've never got that.

Goh: no way! That's unbelievable!

(Y/N): NANI! You know what that is!

Ash... what's that?

Ren/Goh: you both don't know!

(Y/N): do we look like people who watch TV a lot! If so my ego and image feels betrayed right now.

Goh: it's a movie series where the lead is a Pokémon trainer spy and her partner inteleon is just the coolest ever!

Rotom phone: inteleon, the secret agent Pokémon, a water type. Intelion has ma h capabilities hidden all over it's body. It can shoot water from it's fingers and glide using a membrane on it's back.

Ren: they keep making sequels and they're all hits.

Ash: it looks awesome!

(Y/N): never mind the show! Inteleon looks awesome! 

Goh: I told ya so. Say, it looks like sobble's interested too.

Ren:  makes sense because inteleon is sobble's final evolved form.

Ash: I wanna see!

(Y/N): me too!

Ash: think they're still at it?

Goh: let's check it out!

(They all head off)

(They arrive at the filming location)

Goh: according to what Ren said it's right over-

???: This is all wrong!

Ash: I know that voice.

(We see it's director Cublock)

Cublock: first he does this, then she does that and then we need a certain something.

Cameraman: huh what should we do sir, everyone's on set and ready to go

Cublock: let's roll it!

Goh: it's about to start sobble.

Cublock: ready and action!

(We see the woman, her name is Jacqueline by the way, running holding a brief case as she looks back before she stops in her tracks as people are in front of her blocking the path)

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