Part 108

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(We start off at a stadium in the Galar region, Motostoke stadium to be exact, as we cut to a room as (Y/N) and Flint have met up)

(Y/N): great to see ya (grins)

Flint: same here, I hope we have a great battle (holds his hand out as (Y/N) takes it)

(Y/N): I don't do this very often but you know what, I'll show any of the six Pokémon I could be using today

Flint: I don't want an unfair advantage so I'll do the same 

(They both send out their Pokémon as Flint has infernape, rapidash, flareon, houndoom, arcanine and magmortar whilst (Y/N)'s 6 are steelix, Frogadier, toxicroak, Toxtricity, dragapult and heatmor as they both show off their hands and they analyse each other's team and return them)

Flint: say how's Ash?

(Y/N): as passionate for battling and optimistic as usual. Though him and Goh are out since Ash is trying to make it up to Goh so he's took him out to catch more Pokémon, I would've joined but I had a battle here. Though they gave me their support and Ash said to say hi to you as well.

Flint: that's great to hear (he remembers the battle he and Ash had to reignite Volkner's spark and love for battling)

(Y/N)/Flint: see ya out there. (They both get into their positions ready to come out to battle)

(We cut to the start of the battle)

Announcer: ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Motostoke stadium for this ultra class battle and it's between two battlers full of fiery passion! On one side, currently ranked 10th, hoping to beat another elite 4, it's (Y/N)! (He walks out) and his opponent Sinnoh's elite 4 and former member of the masters 8 before being knocked out by Alain, one of Sinnoh's finest and strongest fire type trainers in the world, Flint!

Rotom drone: for todays Pokémon world coronation series ultra class battle will be 3 vs 3! Will both trainers please bring out their Pokémon, thank you! (Flies up) 3...2...1 go!

(Y/N)/Flint: I choose you!

((Y/N) sends out steelix as Flint sends out rapidash)

Rotom drone: battle begin!

Flint: rapidash use sunny day!

(Rapidash uses sunny day as the sun and heat are brighter and hotter)

Announcer: rapidash has set up sunny day meaning it's fire attacks are more powerful!

(Y/N): steelix use rock slide!

(Steelix summons rocks and shoots them out as they head towards rapidash)

Flint: flare blitz!

(Rapidash uses flare blitz and smashes right through them and hitting steelix as steelix is launched back but gets up again right away as rapidash takes some recoil damage)

(Y/N) thoughts: so that's a no go, since it'll be just jump or destroy any rocks within its path, what do I do? (Gets an idea) I got it!

(Y/N): steelix remember that plan I talked with you about a couple of days ago? (Steelix nods) we're doing it. (Steelix grins) now use dig!

(Steelix uses as it digs around underground as rapidash and Flint wait for it to appear back up)

(Y/N): now steelix go!

(Steelix emerges at the edge of the one of the sides of the battlefield and leaps into the air)

(Y/N): use rock slide!

(Steelix fires rock slide at rapidash)

Flint: use flare blitz! (Rapidash uses flare blitz and smashes through the rock slide clashes with steelix as steelix takes the attack head on and rapidash takes more recoil)

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