Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles 4

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(We continue where we left off with arceus using judgment as these red beam shoot up and come down similar to that of a draco meteor over and over hitting the ground and the sides of mt coronet as we see Dragonite casually knock one away that would have hit it and team galactic's helicopter. We see the helicopter crashes and explodes as we see team galactic are safe with parachutes)

Cynthia: use power whip!

(Roserade jumps up and uses power whip hitting team galactic an has them tied up and captured on a rock)

Mars: now why in the world would you go and do that!

Charon: you fool, you dare and try to stop team galactic!

Jupiter: skuntank bite through all these vines right now.

(Skuntank tries to bite through but is struggling as Cynthia, Croagunk, Blissey and sudowoodo land next to roserade)

Cynthia: just give it up! That dimensional gate you yearned to create is being closed by arceus!

Saturn: arceus don't do that! Nooo!

(We see all four admins have their teeth grit and are mad as everyone looks on as the dimensional gate is closed and stopped)

Goh: arceus.

Ash: awesome.

(The monstrous heatran roars and emits this hot heat as the gang are struggling as arceus is unfazed as Pikachu shouts over to it as arceus looks at them)

Ash: arceus! All of us wanna save heatran, will you help us out?

Goh: if that huge heatran were to explode the Sinnoh region would never ever be the same! 

Dawn: please arceus help us! 

(Y/N): please, it's not heatran's fault!

(Brock and Cynthia look at it and stay silent as Pikachu pleas for help from it too as the trio of lake guardians fly up to arceus as arceus's eyes glow red and the lake guardian's eyes glow yellow as they all fly over to the gang)

Ash: please arceus.

(We see Cynthia and then rest approach)

Cynthia: everyone!

Ash: Cynthia. 

Cynthia: (to arceus) you came to help us didn't you.

Dawn: great, thank you arceus so much.

(Arceus looks over at heatran as it floats up as we see it's got plates appear around it as it uses one and turns into a water type)

Ash: wow.

Goh: now it's a water type?

(We see arceus use its power as an ocean appear in the sky )

Ash: amazing, like it's creating an ocean.

Goh: an ocean, is that the power of the alpha Pokémon? 

Ash: arceus the water is dangerous! When we attacked heatran using water before this it caused a massive explosion 

(Arceus looks at him and nods signalling everything is fine)

Dawn: it said no need to worry, right?

Goh: yeah, that's what it sounded like.

Ash: okay arceus we all trust you.

(Y/N): yeah you've got this. 

Cynthia: then we should do whatever we can too.

Ash: alright, let's all save heatran. 

Brock: but how are we supposed to deal with that kind of intense heat? 

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