Part 114

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(One day prior)

(We see (Y/N) in the Opelucid gym as we see gym leader Drayden, (Y/N) and champion Iris)

(Y/N): I made it!

Iris: glad to see ya hear, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?

(Y/N): there's something going on with my hand.

Iris: how am I supposed to help you with that!

(Y/N): no as in when I'm in battle it glows all these different colours and stuff and it reminds me of the thing you do with your Pokémon.

Iris: (gets excited) really! Can you show me?

(Y/N): I can't do it like you can, I'm not good yet. It kinda goes on and off

Drayden: I propose a battle between you two and we may be able to help you out. I will referee the match.

(Y/N): an exhibition match? I like it! Just to test each other and help each other understand our Pokémon better and get even stronger. The thought of it is just getting me fired up!

Iris: you remind of a certain little kid I know.

(Y/N): it's Ash right?

Iris: you got it.

(Y/N): we do both love battling.

Iris: yeah!

(Timeskip: they are on both sides of the battlefield)

Drayden: this will be a 3 vs 3 unsanctioned exhibition match, will both competitors please bring out their first Pokémon.

Iris/(Y/N): I choose you! (Iris sends out excadrill as (Y/N) sends out bouffalant)

Drayden: battle begin.

Iris: excadrill use drill run!

(Y/N): Cotton guard!

(Excadrill rushes in with drill run as bouffalant uses cotton guard and increases its defences as excadrill gets out of its drill like form as bouffalant's extra mane hair disappears)

(Y/N): mega horn!

(Bouffalant's horns glow green as it charges in)

Iris: use dig!

(Excadrill uses dig as it digs underground as it emerges beneath bouffalant hitting it square in the chest)

Iris: now use focus blast!

(Excadrill uses focus blast hitting bouffalant square in the centre of its chest as it is flung back but it repositions and plants it's feet into the ground and roars out scraping its feet against the floor as it's still ready to battle)

(Y/N): that's the spirit! Use mega horn again!

(Bouffalant charges in with megahorn)

Iris: dig!

(Excadrill digs underground)

(Y/N): now plant your horns into the ground!

(Bouffalant essentially does a handstand planting it's horns into the ground at the same time excadrill comes up beneath so instead of hitting it square in the chest it misses as (Y/N) grins as Bouffalant gets back on its feet as excadrill comes out of its drill shape)

(Y/N): now use head charge!

Iris: metal claw!

(Bouffalant uses bead charge nailing excadrill and is ramming it as excadrill tries to hold on and slow and stop Bouffalant with metal claw but is easily overpowers and can't stop Bouffalant's rampage as excadrill is smashed into the sides of the wall of the gym with enough force the wall breaks and the light of the day pours in as excadrill lies in the centre of the rubble unable to battle)

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