part 5

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We begin to see goh questioning his Pokédex

Goh: why does my phone screen look like this now

Cerise: your Pokédex have two distinct functions, the first tells a Pokémon's type and biological data. The second gives you an overview on the Pokémon you caught, with each new capture your rotom phone updates the index.

Ash: I didn't know it could do that!

(Y/N): me neither!

Goh: it means I've got a state of the art gohkidex, this makes me want to catch even more Pokémon to light up every spot!

(Y/N): lets go there's no time like the present, right larvitar

(Larvitar nods)

Goh: right

Timeskip: field

Goh: this way!

Ash: wow it looks like there'll be plenty of Pokémon to catch here

Goh: I've brought tons of Pokémon so I can catch them all!

(His hands and bag is filled to the brim with pokeballs)

Ash: awesome!

(Y/N): that's a bit overboard isn't it

Goh: sorry "Mr wander off and catch some Pokémon while we plan our day"

(Y/N): alright calm the sass, that's koharu's thing I won't catch any Pokémon today since it's your time to shine

Goh: look out for any Pokémon okay

(Scorbunny hears a pidgey in a tree)

Goh: go pokeball!

Ash:Goh wait!! Not right away!!

(Goh sees it and tries to throw a pokeball but misses as pidgey spots us and uses gust to blow away)

Goh: why'd it have to use gust

(Y/N): little tip not all Pokémon want to be caught and may fight back

Goh: okay, scorbunny let's find another Pokémon

(Scorbunny uses its ears and hears a pidgeotto in a tree far away and runs towards it causing lots of commosion,The pidgeotto sees us and flies away cashing us to halt)

Goh: you've got good ears, don't you but if you make a big scene the Pokémon will run away so no matter what you've got to stay calm

(Then a Diglett pops up)

ash: it's Diglett

Goh: now's my chance

(Scorbunny charges in and tries to grab it)

Goh: come on what did I just tell you, scorbunny please listen, come back here

(Goh begins to frantically chase scorbunny)

Ash: (sweatdrops) goh's being messed with alright

(Y/N): (sweatdrops) can't deny that, it's sad to watch

(Then you is sent flying in the air and carried away by a dugtrio as we chase after him)

Ash: you better get off it

Goh: this is the best place to catch it

Goh goes to touch with a pokeball until it digs as scorbunny misses it and goh falls face first on scorbunny

(Y/N): are you okay?

Goh: what can I say I guess this isn't my day, you know (Y/N), scorbunny if you hear a Pokémon don't charge in

Pokémon journeys Male reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now