Part 112

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(We see the gang arrive in Kalos)

Ash: here we go!

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): Pokémon battle time!

Ash: I'm going to head over to the luminous city gym

(Y/N): I'll join ya.

Goh: after I catch a  Pokémon I'll join you both.

Ash: right.

(They split off as Ash promised to meet up with Clemont and Bonnie)

(Y/N): I can't wait to meet this clement you were talking about, apparently he's not a robot?

Ash: (laughs) I've told you already no.

(They stop as they see a world coronation series battle happening on a tv as we see Drasna, one of the elite 4)

Announcer: it's the Pokémon world coronation series ultra class we'll bring you the 12th ranked competitor (we see her noivern, dragalge and druddigon) Drasna! And... (We then see Ash appear on the screen)

Ash agh it's me!

(Y/N): I'm so jealous, I've always wanted to battle Drasna!

Announcer: a rising star from Kanto who has been climbing his way up the ranks! (We see his Pikachu and gmax gengar) at number 15th Ash! (We see his mega Lucario)

(We cut to an interview)

Announcer: it's almost time, right Drasna?

Drasna: I believe Ash is extremely talented which makes me very happy to compete against him (we see she also has an altaria)

Announcer: well folks, you heard it here first. We've been speaking to Drasna, thanks again. (We cut to an advertisement of Diantha) 

Ash: okay Pikachu if we beat Drasna then we'll be closer to battling Leon and catching up to you (looks at (Y/N))

(Y/N): (grins) bring it.

(We cut to Goh as he's at this lake area as grookey sees something)

Goh: whatcha see? (It emerges from the water and lands on a lily pad as we see it's a froakie) froakie! Pokeball let's go! 

(He throws it but froakie hits it back into Goh's face as they're hit by it's  frubbles as froakie laughs)

Goh: (he and grookey struggle to get the frubbles off) what is this stuff!

Bonnie: they're frubbles.

Goh: they're frubbles? (Manages to get it off his face)

Bonnie: yup, something only froakie know how to make.

Goh: yeah? Alright froakie here we go!

(At the gym)

Clemont: use wild charge. (His luxray uses wild charge as it hits the opposing trainer's lickylicky as it faints as a white flag is raised as we see it's Clembot who's referring)

Clembot: Lickylicky is unable to battle, luxray is the winner which means that gym leader Clemont is the victor.

Ash: clemont!

(Y/N): ah so that's the gym leader.

(Clemont looks to see Ash and (Y/N))

Clemont: Ash, Pikachu! Great to see you! (Pikachu and luxray shake paws as there's a little spark of electricity as their paws connect. Your next opponent really surprised me, your next opponent is THE Drasna of the elite 4.

Ash: uh huh. (Grins) and me and my Pokémon are so psyched.

Clemont: so for old times sake...

Ash/Clemont: everybody come on out! (They send out their Pokémon as we see all of Ash's journeys team as we see chespin and a diggersby as Dragonite rushes in and hugs Clemont)

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