The slandered Xue Shen (14)

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  Yuan Yibin and several of them are foreign students who buy into foreign universities with money. Foreign and domestic requirements for grades are the same. Even foreign countries value real talent and practical learning. The universities that can be bought with money are all incompetent schools. People who sell dog meat and put the truth at home may be fooled by the reputation of foreign universities, but they are nothing at all. Compared with the serious Harvard Oxford students, they are considered a group of illiterate. 

  Not to mention that Yuan Yibin and his few people are still people who can’t concentrate on their studies. Now the country is less and less superstitious about sea turtles. When they graduate, the day lily will be cold. Now they can’t get involved in the industry when they return home. Nearing graduation, for the sake of face, everyone wants to get a memorable resume to fool the family. 
  Yuan Yibin smiled at the handsome and elegant face shown on the desktop. 
  At the beginning, Gu Lingchuan, a straight man, was able to slap him, but Gu Lingchuan, who is now in foreign circles, can't slap him. Yuan Yibin thought, now that there is no such a nominal boyfriend as Shen Qiancheng to hinder him, international students are all fond of having fun, he talks with this Gu Lingchuan friend for a while, presumably the other party will be willing to cooperate. 
  To save others by oneself, Yuan Yi Bin smugly wanted to win this promising young man who everyone praised. 
  Yuan Yibin looks good, he plays more openly abroad than at home, and foreign teenagers are more open than domestic ones. It is rare to see an Asian face. Yuan Yibin posted it himself, and the other party is also happy to play with him. 
  After going back and forth, the original Yibin foreign boyfriend changed one after another, from white to black to brown, his reputation as a socialite was completely spread in foreign gay circles. 
  Many people want to play with this open-minded Chinese, just a new picture, but Yuan Yibin is full of self-confidence, only feels that a man will be worshipped under his suit and pants, foreigners can be conquered by his charm , It is unreasonable that a Chinese with little knowledge can't hold it. 
  Conscious that Chinese people are better than foreigners, Yuan Yibin went to the headquarters office building of "Hamlet Technology" confidently. 
  "Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?" The lady at the front desk is also Chinese. After Yuan Yibin spoke Chinese, the other party quickly asked politely in Chinese.
  "Make an appointment? I am a fellow of Gu Lingchuan, come to see my fellow townsman, don't you need an appointment?" Yuan Yibin asked with wide eyes. 
  The receptionist polite reply: "Hello, sir, to meet with the CEO is by appointment, and if you and Gu Dong friendship deep, but also you and in private talks Gu Dong good, will be a good appointment again, thank you for your visit." 
  Original Yi Bin found it incredible. He was standing in the lobby. The lady at the front desk was smiling. After the elites from all walks of life came and went talking with the front desk, those who had an appointment were quickly invited into the living room. The company employee who received the internal call went downstairs. Take the other person into the elevator. 
  Yuan Yibin stood dry for a long time. People came and went in a hurry in the whole office building. Among a group of office elites, the dressed-up Yuan Yibin finally noticed a trace of embarrassment and hurriedly left the company building. 
  Gu Lingchuan didn't expect that he had just become famous, and Yuan Yibin, who had been forgotten by him a long time ago, would rush to make friendships. When he left from get off work, the little girl at the front desk came over to talk about the situation and informed him. The name of the intercepted visitor, Gu Lingchuan suddenly. 
  "Xiao Du, you are doing a good job. I will reject all those who come to get a relationship in the future. At present, I don't have any good friends or business partners in China, so I don't care about them." Gu Lingchuan praised the front desk. 
  Little Du sister laughed, her big eyes bent into crescent moons: "Okay, Chairman." 
  Because Yuan Yibin appeared, Gu Lingchuan remembered something left behind. He returned to the office, turned on the computer, and checked. Mailbox mail. 
  The company founded by Gu Lingchuan has a wide range of businesses, ranging from research and development of new materials, to computer accessories, and software development. 
  As a decision-maker, Gu Lingchuan only needs to provide the recruited employees with plans and point out the development direction. As a person who knows the future direction of technological development, Gu Lingchuan’s guidance has made his company's research and development extremely fast, and there are difficulties. Gu Ling With Sichuan, everything will be solved. 
  Therefore, "Hamlet Technology" can take the lead, rising at a speed far surpassing other companies of the same type, and becoming a big company like a giant gold swallowing beast.
  Nowadays, relying on the latest technology to take the lead, applying a variety of new materials to new accessories, triggering technological changes in the entire industry, Gu Lingchuan’s company not only has not been squeezed out by its peers, but has also become a leader in the industry because of the industry reforms. character. 
  Large companies in the same industry all have technical cooperation with Gu Lingchuan's companies. Naturally, part of the profits of those companies has entered Gu Lingchuan's pockets due to contract sharing. 
  In just three years, Gu Lingchuan reached the goal set when he went abroad that year, stood at the top of the entire industry, and became a world-class rich man. 
  Picking apples on the shoulders of giants will indeed do more with less. 
  Nowadays, the computers, computer systems, and all the software used by Gu Lingchuan, his mobile phones, are all independently developed products by his company. In comparison with the future, Gu Lingchuan is critical of his company’s products. degree. With such strict requirements, his company's products are of excellent quality and finally won unanimous praise. 
  Gu Lingchuan's eyes changed after browsing the emails sent from China. 
  He had hired a private investigator through the Internet a long time ago, and asked the detective to keep an eye on the Yuan family and the Shen family. Any actions of the other party must be reported to him by email. 
  In the past two or three years, the two companies haven’t made any major moves. Gu Lingchuan has never found a suitable opportunity to deal with Yuan Yibin and Shen Qiancheng. In addition, he was very busy during this period, so he forgot to read the email. For the email that came, I felt that fortunately, Yuan Yibin showed up to remind himself, otherwise he almost missed the big event. 
  It turned out that Ningcheng was going to be expanded and a new city was being planned. Yuan Jia and Shen Jia both saw the future business opportunity and used the relationship of all parties to spend huge sums of money to buy a large vacant land. 
  The future will be the peak period of real estate development. If the Yuanjia and Shenjia are allowed to act, they will only become more and more developed. Gu Lingchuan will have difficulties in killing Yuan Yibin and Shen Qiancheng. 
  The best way to retaliate against the scumbags who rely on superpowers to ignore the law and social morality is to have more money than them, and then let them go bankrupt and become paupers. 
  Gu Lingchuan intends to do so. 
  He looked through the detailed documents sent by the detective and got an idea.
  A few months later, the Shen family. 
  "What's the matter? Why did the Urban Planning Bureau modify the urban expansion route and change the area originally planned as the center of the new urban area into a green belt? Didn't disclose any news to you?" Yuan Yibin's father asked Shen with an ugly expression. Father. 
  Mr. Shen sat in the Grand Master's chair, closed his eyes tightly on crutches, and said nothing. 
  Faced with questions from partners, Shen's father paced anxiously: "There is no way, if foreign-funded enterprises settle in, the original urban construction plan has been revised. We didn't know that, a foreign Chinese tycoon is going to fund the construction of Ningcheng. A high school, a university, invested in the construction of the hometown, invested more than one billion US dollars, and also hoped to build a high-tech technology research and development headquarters in Ningcheng. That is more than a dozen high-rise buildings! The other party just asked for the relocation of the new city center. Wait for good things, do you think the government will disagree?" The 
  patriotic rich voluntarily funded more than one billion US dollars to build their hometowns. The central authorities were all alarmed and expressed their warm welcome. They gave the other party the green light. No matter how talented they are, can they pass the central government? 
  The Shen family looked very ugly. They received news that the new town plan could be salvaged, so they emptied their family and bought a large piece of land with a bank loan. 
  In order to prevent the forced relocation of residents from making trouble, the two paid back. A demolition fee for the indigenous people. However, after the demolition was completed and the construction team started, the news came that that piece of land could not be used for residential building and that it needed to be included in the urban planning. Most of the land was greened and the remaining half was used to build factories. 
  The land was taken back by the state and subsidized to the two families in accordance with the expropriation practice. Compared with the part they invested, the state subsidy was nothing but a drop in the money, and even the demolition fees paid to the aborigines were not paid back. 
  Although the state will provide policy convenience to the two companies due to land expropriation, the real money has been lost in an instant, and the hearts of the two families are dripping blood. 
  It was because the Shen family had news that they wanted to get the first chance to make a lot of money. They didn't expect that the family foundation was emptied by buying land, but now they have encountered this kind of thing. 
  The central government intervenes, what else can they do? Can only admit to being unlucky.
  This is not ordinary mold, this is the bloodletting of the knife holder directly on the neck! 
  The Shen family also had a hard time saying that in order to buy a large area of ​​land, they left the relationship, otherwise how could the state-owned land in the urban area be bought by private individuals at a cost? 
  There are large tracts of farmland there, as well as small towns and villages. Because of the special relationship between the senior officials of the Ningcheng government, they half-forced the aborigines to move out. The money they paid out was only as good as the commercial value of the land in the future. It's a drop in the bucket. 
  They had a good calculation, but it was a pity that this time the calculation was empty, and all their investment was lost. 
  Now that the central government is paying attention to the construction of Ningcheng, the land acquisition is in compliance with the law. The Shen family and the original family can’t jump up and challenge the central government because of the huge investment. This is not to directly take them and all the tricks of the senior officials of the Ningcheng government. come out? 
  At that time, not only the leadership of Ningcheng will have to change their blood, but none of the families that are connected with government officials can escape. Therefore, this dumb loss, they can only knock off their teeth and swallow blood, not only have to swallow them by themselves, but also swallow cleanly. 
  After thinking about the interests of the relationship, Yuan Yibin's father turned black before his eyes and sat on the ground. He didn't know how the family business would continue to operate after such a big hole. 
  In order to buy land, they just invested tens of millions in bribing officials! Not to mention the money invested in the family, the bank is still carrying tens of millions of loans, such a big hole...


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