Interstellar Wanted Guide (4)

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   Gu Lingchuan’s current vision is not normal. It is estimated that it is a bonus brought by the original owner’s special physical condition. When he was standing on the coast and watching, he noticed a small black spot in a distant place. Just look at it carefully. Just like the camera lens is pulled in, autofocus, Gu Lingchuan then discovered that the little black dot is an unowned boat drifting with the flow.

    As the boat swayed, Gu Lingchuan withdrew his gaze and looked at the boat that looked retro but still belongs to high-tech.

    "It's like a yacht, but more advanced than a yacht. Let's try it." Gu Lingchuan touched his chin, looked at the logo under the operating system on the boat, and clicked the start button.

    The transparent protective cover was raised above the boat, and the humming engine sounded. At the same time, the intermittent navigation prompt sounded: "...The body is activated...The damage rate of the body has reached 32%. It is recommended to start after maintenance...Navigation direction, center Planet Group 182 marked the sea area...Danger...3, 2, 1——"

    " Boom——" The small broken ship roared, blue flames ejected from the tail, a sense of turbulence came, and the boat quickly moved away.

    It's like a plane taking off.

    Gu Lingchuan was bumped into the hull of the ship. Only then did he know why the ship was abandoned. With the anti-vibration system, if the physique is poor, it is estimated that he will be stunned directly.

    After the small broken ship disappeared from the sea for a long time, a mechanical warning sounded from the steel fortress suspended on the sea:

    "Warning! Warning! An unidentified foreign Omega attacked His Majesty Zhou Qing. The central planet group numbered 182 is under full martial law. Search The Omega that attacked the interstellar emperor can be executed on the spot if it finds the target Omega! Full martial law! Central planet group number 182 is blocked and no entry is allowed!"

    "All Omegas in the central planet group number 182 should stay in place and undergo inspection! "

    Repeat, please stay in place for all Omegas in planet 182 of the central planetary group to be checked!" The

    warning signal spread throughout the central star 182.

    Of course, all this was unknown to Gu Lingchuan who had fled.

    The robot hovering over the city glowed red, and intertwined rays swept across the sky and the ground. At the same time, the interstellar emperor, who had arranged his clothes, stood in front of the window with a green face.

    There are clear bite marks on the emperor's neck, and traces of blood are still oozing from the Alpha glands on the back of the neck. Instead, at the artery pierced by the fangs, the scar almost disappeared.

    Zhou Qing looked at his reflection on the windowpane, and he raised his hand to touch the blood vessel in his neck.

    He could still feel the tingling of fangs piercing the glands, and the confusion of the surging emotions.

    At this time, there were only red spots the size of sesame seeds on the skin of His Majesty's neck. All this bizarre made him almost think that he was attacked by an Omega and almost committed by QIN, which was just his illusion.

    But the Alpha gland was bitten, and the pheromone injected into the gland caused the body to tremble, but it clearly told him what a strange thing he had encountered.

    What makes Zhou Qing unacceptable most is that the pheromone injected into his glands, the breath is tyrannical, and it brings a hot pain when flowing in the body. At the same time, it is like an ant crawling over the body and drilling into the bone marrow. Flowing inside the body.

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