King's Landing (9)

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    Fu Cheng didn’t want to continue. He was suppressed by Gu Lingchuan both times. Although Gu Lingchuan was skilled and Fu Cheng enjoyed it, he was also an arrogant temperament, and he didn’t want to stay down. There is no bargain here, so he wants to try another person.

    For a while, no person comparable to Gu Lingchuan appeared, and Fu Chengcai did not take action.

    "Are you being spotted by the little emperor?" Fu Cheng wrapped his clothes and turned his head to look at the look of Gu Lingchuan lazily looking over, but his waist was sore and his legs were soft and his legs were almost unsteady. He was a little angry, with sharp spring eyebrows. Get up and look at the uninvited flower picker.

    "Yes, but I'm just looking for you. I'm looking for you if I don't have a hurry." Fu Chengluo's white clothes were a bit short, did not wrap himself tightly, stained with light brown water stains, and pressed closer to his body. , There is a sense of temptation to refuse and welcome, Gu Lingchuan glanced at Fu Cheng's translucent skin with red marks, and was a little moved.

    Seeing Gu Lingchuan's eyes turned gloomy, Fu Cheng directly threw his clothes around and said, "Put on your clothes and go. If the medicine is not clear, go to the little emperor. He is interested in you and is a rare beauty. You can eat it."

    "I just want to eat you. With this unique delicacy in front of me, I still go to eat porridge and side dishes. Are you stupid?" Gu Lingchuan's scum is natural, of course. He replied, his clothes aside, a long-legged stride, walked over, hugged Fu Cheng, biting his ear smile: "I see you have one side of the room a big bronze mirror, it is better ......"

    "roll !"

    Gu Lingchuan still didn't roll in the end, but instead rolled with the regent on the couch with the big bronze mirror beside.

    The arrest of the gangster went smoothly-only for Gu Lingchuan.

    He took the opportunity to incorporate the hidden subordinates into the capital defense army, and then asked them to trace them all the way. The real gangsters who had hidden from a small group followed the vines to find out the many capital officials who had contact with the gangsters.

    The collusion between the officials and the gangsters was a major matter, not to mention the emperor was involved, so he affected his whole body and unearthed a series of officials, all of whom were sent to Dali Temple for interrogation by Gu Lingchuan.

    The officials above the court are all at risk. As long as they have a head, they know what the situation is in the court. The emperor is weak, and only some courtiers support orthodoxy.

    However, the regent’s iron-blooded methods have always been controlled by the regent. Many important officials are pulled up by the regent with one hand. Those people are also followers of the regent. As long as the regent is interested, they can twist into a rope and demand that The emperor was set up separately-

    although the regent was surnamed Fu, he was recognized by the Supreme Emperor for a long time. He recognized his ancestor and returned to the ancestor.

    Another person who can compete with the regent is Gu Lingchuan, who holds military power. General Gu controlled the Daqi army, and even the regent could not be contaminated. The only soldiers and horses controlled by the regent were the Imperial City Guards. The Guards of less than 10,000 people could not compare with the Daqi army. Compare.

    Not only that, there is Su Taifu's family behind Gu Lingchuan. The Su family is the head of the family. As long as the Su family wants to support Gu Lingchuan, the family will fall to Gu Lingchuan. The family background is profound, and their support means that Gu Lingchuan's army has a steady stream of military material support. Therefore, even if it is unorthodox, Gu Lingchuan has a great chance of winning the throne.     Now that Gu Lingchuan is the first to attack and send a large number of officials to Dali Temple, this has undoubtedly become a signal-this general who has always seemed to be a firm royalist has finally exposed his ambition and wants to replace the king.     Gu Lingchuan’s thunderous method, the officials involved in the interrogation of Dali Temple were mostly stubborn royalists, and it was Wei Yanrui’s staff. Resolutely believe that only the royal orthodoxy is considered the emperor, even if the successor to the throne is mediocre, they also support it.     Only a small number of courtiers were not royalists. Those who went to jail did not attract attention, but angered the regent.     "General Gu is a good plan. That's how you cooperated with this king? Don't ask but do it?" The regent was displeased. When he was contemplating in the tub, he was disturbed. He opened his eyes and saw a flower-picking thief from Turning in the window, Fu Cheng reprimanded with a gloomy expression.

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