trip away - Elijah

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you plan a romantic trip away for the two of you 

Elijah has been on the go non stop chasing after his brothers and constantly fixing up their messes, then calming down Bekah when she is annoyed at them. He has not caught a break in ages. As his girlfriend i find it hard to watch sometimes because he isn't taking time for himself , I support what he is doing and I know being the original family is not easy. All credit to them but I find it hard watching the people I love most in the world constantly in some form of battle. 

flashback to this morning...

As my eyes started to flutter open, I stretch my arms and I go to reach for my boyfriends and I feel and empty space. I look up to see him putting a tie on and I sit up sighing. 

"Nik can take care of himself you know" I say and he looks at me through the mirror smiling 

"he can that is true but when he gets on the wrong side of every species I have to step in" he says and I get out the bed and walk over to him

"you need to look after yourself too. You need to be a little more selfish now and then" I say wrapping my arms around his waist and i feel him sigh

"I know, I will try and work on it" he says and he turns around and wraps his arms around my waist. "I am sorry I have not been spending as much time with you as I would like. These past few months I have been distracted and I apologise" he says looking at me and I shake my head

"You needed to be with your family, that is one of the things I admire most about you" I say giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I love you" he says smiling down at me and I smile

"I love you too" I say as I let go and he walks out our room. 


Of course I knew what I was getting myself into when we have started dating, and I wouldn't change anything. He is the most wonderful and caring man I have ever met, he is the most selfless person I know. He never takes a day off. He will go to the ends of the earth for the people he loves. He is constantly caring for us and making sure we are happy that he doesn't think about looking after himself. That is why I have booked a romantic get away just for the two of us. I have been discussing this with Beks for weeks, everything is booked so all I need now is to get him to agree then we are ready to go. She also insisted that she would be looking after the other two brothers and keep and eye on them, I am not complaining  and I am also glad I am not Kol and Nik right now. 

I was in the middle of telling Bekah about one of the most aggressive clients I had went the the boys sauntered in.

"another wonderful day of tormenting humans" Kol says collapsing on the sofa next to me and continues to lie across me causing both me and Bekah to roll our eyes 

" please tell me the people you killed actually needed getting rid of?" she says and he feigns shock

"my dear sister how could you assume such a thing" he says winking at me causing me to shake my head

"brother would you mind getting off my girlfriend" I hear Elijah say and Kol looks at him

"make me brother" he says and I shove him off standing up and walking towards Elijah

"hello darling" I say standing on my tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the lips

"how i have missed you" he says and I smile taking his hands 

"speaking of that I have a matter I need to discuss with you" I say dragging away into the kitchen and once we are there he sees the suitcases I packed 

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