I wanna be - Kol

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Beginning stages of a relationship and the jealousy is high

"your favourite person has entered the building" Bekah announces when she walks into my house. I rush to the top of my stairs to make sure i heard correctly 

"you know there is a thing called knocking, it's a polite thing people do before entering a house" i say walking down the stairs as she rolls her eyes at me before pulling me into a hug. We head to my kitchen so I can make us some tea and just catch up on our lives as we have not had much time to spend together between all her supernatural business and I'm in the middle of my law finals. She tells me about all the drama Nik has caused and how close she is to putting a steak through all of their hearts just so she can have some peace, she then decides to ask about the elephant in the room

"how is my brother treating you?" and I can't help but smile

"he is good I guess I haven't been able to see him much as I've been doing my exams.  And when he has it's only been for like two hours at the grille cause of my exams" i say and she smiles nodding 

"he understands you need to focus" she says and I nod sighing and she gives me a concerned look "what is it?" she asks and I adjust in my seats because I know this is going to be awkward

"everytime we see each other there are alway girls flirting with him in front of me, as soon as i leave i turn around and he is already being pounced on by girls. I know we have only been going out two months but I can't help but feel... jealous" i say and she nods

"that's completely normal Y/n" she says and I nod before taking another sip. 

We chat for another half an hour or so before Bekah is called away to help with Nik so I decide to take myself out of a walk to help clear my mind about this whole jealousy thing. Kol is the first person in years that I have felt this way about someone since high school and it scares me actually how much i care and like him already. I guess I'm worried that I will scare him away if he finds out. As I'm walking my phone starts to ring so I look at my phone and I see it's Kol so I pick up

"hello?' I say 

"hello my darling what are you up to right now?" he asks and I smile

"nothing just on a walk, what about yourself?" I ask 

"well I was wondering if I can take you on a spontaneous date?" he asks and I can't help but smile 

"I would like that" I say 

"wonderful, I'm currently at the grille so if you come here then I will wisk you away on a wonderful adventure" he says before hanging up which i found slightly strange but didn't let that ruin the excitement of seeing him.


Around ten minutes later I arrive at the grille so i enter and have a look around to see my handsome date and after a few seconds my eyes land on that very person chatting to a very beautiful woman. Who happens to be standing very close to Kol and I can feel my blood start to boil slightly and I grow increasingly uncomfortable about what i am seeing. Standing there i am debating turning around and waiting outside for him but my another thought forms in my mind and my legs begin to move towards them and before rational thoughts can form I am in front of them saying 

"Hey babe" as I grab his face in my hands and smash my mouth against his and proceeding to make out in front of this woman hoping she will get the picture after a few moments i hear someone clearing their throat so i pull away and turn towards her 'want to introduce me to your friend" I say and I hear him laugh

"I don't know her name and I think it's time we go babe " he says standing up placing his hands on the small of my back and guiding me out of the grille, when we are outside I turn around and smile at him and he looks at me with a mixture of shock and smugness.

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