smooth talker - Nik

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You two like each other but you do not want to admit it to yourself and he keeps asking you out 

You two like each other but you do not want to admit it to yourself and he keeps asking you out 

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Ever since I have first heard the name Klaus Mikaelson or Nik or Niklaus Mikaelson. I have been told to fear him, hate him, stay away from him. Basically not be around him at all, but that is hard when you are friends with the scooby gang, dealing with any and all things supernatural is written in the fine print.

When I met the big bad original hybrid,  I did not see what everyone was talking about. The man I met, at a ball he was hosting I may add, was one smooth talking bastard.  I was standing alone when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see a devilishly handsome man, with  brown hair, blue-green eyes looking back at me

... how you met...

"would you do me the honour of dancing with me?" he says I look at him for a moment before smiling 

"dancing with a stranger? my mother would not be impressed" I say smirking before taking his hand "I would love to" He smiles as he leads me to the dance floor, there are butterflies in my stomach as he puts a hand on my waist and takes mine in his. 

It was like I was transported to a fairytale and we were the only two people in the room. I didn't even know this person's name and i feel like safe with them, like I was meant to be with them. I was staring into his eyes as he spoke and when i looked away i could see Stefan giving him the death glare

"I don't think Stefan is too pleased that i am dancing with you" he says and i look at him confused

"you know Stefan?" I say and a smile crawls onto his face

"I guess you could say we are long lost friends" he says and I give him a look

"you're a vampire aren't you" I say turning to look at Stefan and Damon who are glaring at him 

"you really don't know who I am do you?" he says shocked and I look at him

"am i meant to?" i say and he lets out a small chuckle

"I am Klaus" he says and my eyes widen 

"wow" I say and I stare at him and he looks at me confused for a moment

"you aren't afraid?" he says and I give him a smile 

"you haven't given me a reason to be" I say. He listens in to my heart and he can tell I am telling the truth.

"you are the first person, in a long time, to not cower away when they find out who i am " he says and I smile. 

"I have heard of the things you are capable of" I say and I see his smile falter slightly. The music stops and we let go of each other

"I should head back over there before they kill me" I say and he nods to me. I turn away and he grabs my hand 

"what's your name love?" he says and I smile 



Since that day i have not been able to get him out of my head. He is all I think and fantasise about. I have actually fallen for him. And I know he feels the same, I tried to stay away but it was like I was a magnet and he was pulling me in.

I knew my friends wouldn't understand because they have their established feelings about him bit that is not the man I met. 

He has asked me out a few times but I said no. not because I didn't want to. because I FUCKING WANT TO. But I was scared of what my friends will think. That shouldn't be a factor but they are my family and i can't bare the thought of disappointing them.


I was sitting in a booth at the grille waiting for Damon and Stefan as we had agreed to go out for lunch together. I was on my phone getting an ETA from Stefan when someone sat in the booth across from me. I looked up and there he was, my heart skipped a beat as soon as our eyes met

"hello love" he says smiling, that four letter word was enough to make my heart melt

"hi" is all I could muster. I look down at my phone to gather my thoughts before saying "I uh am meeting Damon and Stefan here" I say and he nods

"so i still have a little time with you, all to myself then?" he says a slight smirk forming, I let out a nervous laugh before he continues

"Y/n, we both know how we feel about one another and I know that you don't want to upset your friends. But, they should love you and stand by you no matter what decisions you make. Friends are there to support you, your love life and personal life is none of their concern" he says and I nod

"I know" I say and he reaches over the table and takes my hands in his

"so please, give us a chance, one date" he says and I look at him.

"i'm scared" I say and he looks at me for a moment "I am scared of how strong my feelings are for you" I say and he smiles 

"I am too" he says and I let myself smile 

"ok then" I say and he squeezes my hands

"is that a yes?" he asks and I nod

"yes" I say and I let out a laugh. I see his head turn and he pulls his hands away

"Damon and Stefan are outside so I will leave you to it" he says standing up. But he comes over and kisses my on the cheek

"see you later love" he says before speeding away, leave me with a massive smile on my face. 

part 2?

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The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now