internal affairs - Kol

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you have been kept in the dark for years, but secrets can't stay secrets forever....

My life is great

I have amazing friends, a wonderful husband who I love dearly, my dream job. What more could I ask for?

I woke up today with a pep in my step, I got up early and made Daniel a healthy breakfast, brought it to him in bed. How amazing am I?

Me and my husband have been married for 5 years, it has not been easy we have had our ups and downs and our fair share of fights. Mostly caused by other people and Daniels past. When I met him I was aware that he had had commitment issues in the past, and all my friends loved to point out that he has cheated on everyone he has dated. I dismissed them and said he has matured.

Kol Mikaelson, my best friend, has never approved of my relationship. I understand he doesn't want me hurt but I trust him and my judgement so I think he should too. 

When he proposed to me, they were all shocked and didn't really want me to go through with it. But they bit their tongues and said nothing. They just wanted me to be happy. Kol? well he went on a strop for a few days them he eventually came round.

I will admit, over the years I have had my suspicion but I just dismissed them and thinking it was them putting things in my head. Has he hidden messages and calls from me? Yes

Late nights and early mornings? yes.

secretive? yes.

But I trust the man i married we all need our privacy and me time.... right?

Now, back to the reason I am so happy, I work for a very prestigious accounting firm and I have been gearing up for a promotion. And I have a feeling today is the day, late last night I got a phone call from my boss asking me to meet him for brunch to which I accepted. Everyone at the firm knows that a brunch invitation means promotion. I have already ordered a bunch of flowers, candles, balloons and food for a romantic celebration tonight. That is how much I believe in myself. 

I open the door to our bedroom to see my husband waking up?

"good morning handsome" I say walking over with the tray and he sits up

"what is all this?" He says taking the tray and I sit down in front of him

"because today we are celebrating" I say patting his foot

"but honey you don't know" he says laughing 

"hey? where is all the i'm so proud of you, go get em baby" i say and he sighs 

"you know what I mean" he says and I smile

"I know it's a bit presumptuous" le gives the the raised eye brow "ok a lot presumptuous but everyone know what the brunch invitation means" I say and before he can retort my phone starts to buzz.

"hey it's work so I have to go" I say standing up and grabbing my bag and briefcase "and remember to keep this evening free" I say and he rolls his eyes 

"ok I will" he says. I  blow him a kiss before leaving the room running down the stairs, I text my assistant to grab me my usual coffee on the way. I lock the front door, and my phone buzzes again. Something has already gone wrong so all my attention is on the phone, I manage to unlock my car and sit down not noticing I wasn't alone.

"well hello to you love" a voice says and I jump out of my skin

"jesus christ Kol!! you scared the shit out of me. Wha what the hell are you doing here?" I say putting my phone down

"can't an original vampire miss his favourite person in the world and accompany her to work?" he says and I smile turning the ignition

"yes that is fine, as long as you tell me in advance so you don't give me fucking heart attack" I say pulling out the drive way

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now