Ruthless - Nik

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He begins to see who you truly are

(Luke is the son and Katie is the babysitter)

I have just arrived home from work and all i want to do is have a nice relaxing evening with my husband and a glass of wine but I knew as soon as I looked at the front door that wasn't the case. Two of his hybrids were stationed outside the main door meaning one or two things. Both of them make me equally angry. I stormed up to them and as soon as they spotted me they straightened up

"another threat?" I ask staring daggers at them and one of them nods

"yes (ma'am/sir)" i clench my fists to stop myself from screaming and i try and take a deep breath to hold in the anger until i see my husband. I nod a thanks before yanking open the door and closing it in before whispering 

"Mikaelson come down here right now" if i could scream that I would but I wouldn't want to wake up our daughter and son. He knew I was angry as he sped down within two seconds and I just stare at him waiting for an explanation 

"it's a precaution love" he says and I just stare at him and he sighs "I know I should've told you sooner but when it happened you were in your big meeting so i didn't want to interrupt, you know how you get when i call you at work"  I can feel my blood begin to boil now

"i think someone threatening our lives is a valid interruption Nik" I say before continuing "what was it this time?" I say and I can tell he's getting nervous now as his shoulders are tense and avoiding eye contact with me

"someone with a gun" my nails are digging into my palms now and i clench my jaw 

"who was home?" I say very slowly and he looks downs and says 

"Hope, Luke and Katie" he says and this point I lose it

"for christ sake Nik" i say turning away from him as I can't stand to look at him right now "our children were home alone with their carer and no one was here to stop this person with a fucking gun?" I shout shaking my head

"no one was harmed plus Ho-" I knew what he was going to say so I whip around and stalk towards him

"Hope is supernatural they would be fine i have fucking heard this before but you forget your SON and Katie are NOT plus I'm not sure a 7 year old would be much use in front of a gun" I spit in his face before walking away towards the kitchen. "this isn't just a cute warning like the others over the past few years this is a fucking threat" i say. I definitely need that glass of wine now. I hear him let out a scoff and he said 

"you knew how to use a gun at her age love"  and stop dead in my tracks causing him to bump into me and I turn around and stare at him

"I did because of the family i was born into. I had no fucking choice and our children do so forgive me for wanting to give them as normal of a childhood as I could in this supernatural bullshit" I say before turning around and heading straight for a bottle of Merlot. There was silence while I was trying to keep my calm and Nik was putting my leftovers in the microwave for me. After a while I break the silence 

"this needs to end Nik" I say

"I know Y/n" he says and i continue

"neither of us come from a "normal" childhood, ours were dysfunctional and ripped away from us" I say and nods a smile forming on his lips

"i bring the powers you bring the mafia" he says trying to crack a joke but I just stare at him

"exactly so I know how these people operate and we cannot let the kids protect themselves. I know you want to teach them but now is not the fucking time . We are their parents we need to protect them. You need to protect them Nik" I say and he stares at me "I love you Nik but you need to fucking do more than rely on Hope's powers which will more than likely fail" I say staring at him hoping this situation os finally sinking in

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