hello clarice - Kai (request)

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you are finally introduced to the infamous Malakai Parker

request for   Anonimus6_5

As I am a Mikaelson, Klaus is my father to be precises, i have been protected and hidden away for the majority of my life. The only people other than my family who are aware of my existence is Stefan and Damon Salvatore, they only found out by accident and have been sworn to secrecy. You would think they don't care and would scream it into the universe that Klaus has a daughter, but father dearest threatened them into shutting their mouths. A while after them finding out I decided to get to know them and they have also become like family, so they no longer wanted to keep me a secret because of some blackmail but because they after care about me. 


For my safety Klaus sent me away to boarding school in England which I actually quote enjoyed, I actually got into Cambridge University so I stayed for even longer. It was my easter break right before exams so I decided why not book a surprise trip to go and see the family?

Booked my flight, hired a car, booked a nice restaurant for me and the family and now I am driving to the boarding house, i wanted to pop in and see these two before i do the big reveal to father dearest. I was halfway up the driveway when i noticed the two brothers standing outside on the grass talking to someone, their back was turned so i couldn't see their face. 

I park the car and I can see the brothers trying to workout who I am so I step out the car and their eyes widen

"y/n?" Damon says 

"Y/n?" what are you doing here?" when did you arrive in America?" Stefan asks and I laugh slightly

"around and hour ago? i'm on an easter break so i thought I would surprise my family, and you two. But I can come back later i didn't mean to interrupt" I say. 

"are you not going to introduce me?" the person with their back turned to me finally says, their voice sounded masculine 

"in your dreams, y/n we will catch later yeah? we need to sort this out" Stefan says and i see Damon typing on his phone, my phone then buzzes. Before I can check the person has now turned around and is facing me

"hello Clarice" he says giving me a wave

"silence of the lambs?" I say and he nods grinning

"yes, finally someone with taste around here. Y/n? was it I am Kai Parker the pleasure is entirely yours" he says sauntering over and I cross my arms 

"you know, Kai, there is a fine line between being confidence and a cocky bastard" I say turning to Stefan and Damon

"I will see you later then, i've had enough this guy" I say opening my car door but Kai pushes it shut

"nah uh I am not done with with you" Kai says and Damon goes to pounce but Kai holds up and arm and suddenly they are both blasted backwards. My eyes widen and I look back to the man in front of you

"what are you?" I ask and he smirks 

"I'm a siphoner, now what I want to know is why they didn't want me near you? what makes you so special Y/n?" he says walking closer but I speed forwards and grab his wear it hurts, his eyes widen and he begins to whimper like a little bitch boy. My eyes flash and I let out a little growl

"you act all high and mighty but you are just a little scared boy inside aren't you, I do not owe you shit if you could be so kind as to leave me and my friends alone" I say and through his whimpers he says 

"yo your're a hybrid?" he says and I nod

"no shit Sherlock" i say as my grip getting tighter and I see a spark go off in his head

"you are british, a hybrid you are a fucking Mikaelson" he says and I lift him up and smash him to the ground.

"say that again I fucking dare you" i say through seething teeth, the mention of my father really made my blood boil. 

"oo feisty one aren't you" he says and I slam his body into the ground again

"Y/n?!" I hear a voice shout and I look up to see a worried looking Stefan "what are you doing?" he says

"what is this guys fucking problem?" i say and Damon says

"he is Kai Parker, he is the one who's prison world me and Bonnie were stuck in" I look down to him and he is now smirking

"turned on yet?" he says winking. I punch him in the face knocking him out and I stand up.

"I can't deal with him anymore I will leave that to you two. I am going to see my family" i say walking to my car. i get in and drive away.

I don't know why but that Parker really got under my skin. And I had the feeling that would be the last time we meet.

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