Masquerade! - tyler (request)

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Request for @lala4pala thank you and i hope you like it ❤️

your first "official" outing as a couple 

Every year The Lockwoods hold multiple events in their mansion, whether they are for mayoral reasons or general town events. It's not unusual for our friend group to attend as we've all grown up in mystic falls together, been going for years. But this will be the first time me and Tyler will be going as a couple, first event together. So it's safe to say i feel very nervous about this.

"come on they love you" Tyler says putting his arms around my shoulders kissing the side of my head as we walk to meet the others in the car park after school

"Ty" i say whining slightly 

"they've known you since you were three years old and they know we're together" he says and i sigh 

"you don't get it" i say as we reach our friends and i turn to the girls and say "back me up i'm right to be nervous about saturday?" i say and they all nod in unison and say 

"yes" and i turn to him with a triumphant grin

"come on" Tyler says 

"this is the first town event you guys are going to together, as as the son of the mayor this is a big deal, eyes will be on you" Caroline says 

"no pressure" Stefan says trying to make a joke and Tyler turns to me

"all they'll care about is raising money for a good cause and whether the cannipees are coming out on time and well enough apart. They just want everyone to have a good time, please don't be nervous" he says and I give him a sad smile as he leans down to give me a quick kiss on the lips

"and we'll all look hot in the outfits we picked out yesterday" Bonnie says squeezing my arm as we start walking to various cars and make our way to the boarding house. Damon has gone into planning mode as he thinks there will be some form of attack at any town event, he's worried especially cause event is at Tyler's house, aka the mayor's house. We've all been told to head straight there after school. In the car ride I sat in silence as Tyler drove me, Bonnie, Matt and Jeremy there, the others spoke about various projects and my mind was just running about saturday. Tyler places his hand on my thigh and gently squeezes, i place my hand on top of his in a thank you, he can always tell when I'm in my own head. I know in my heart he's right but i can't help my mind running, i just want them to make them proud? I guess? As soon as we arrived Damon launched into his rants about what we need to look out for, what to do, what not to do, where to even stand in the house so we're not near any windows. Yes Tyler was also concerned with how well Damon knew the layout of his home. Stefan tried to bring him back down to earth but there's no use, so we all just nodded hoping this ted talk will be over soon. Tyler told him that the Mikaelsons we're not going to show up at his house and that we just need to relax and have a good time, this of course made Damon mad and he zoomed out probably off to drink somewhere. Everyone stood up and let out a collective sigh of relief, Jeremy and Bonnie were the first to leave as they were spending the night at hers, Matt and Tyler had to head back for practice so i gave him a kiss goodbye and they ran out the door. I turned to my friends and Caroline gave me a sympathetic smile

"still nervous?" she asks walking over and hugging me I nod

"yeah a bit" i say and Elena says 

"well let's not think of it in that way" and i say

"easier said than done" i say with a laugh making Caroline squeeze me tighter

"she means think of it like we are all just hanging out, being all fancy, don't think of it in a way that's making you anxious" Stefan says and I nod

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