you lied to me - Elijah - (request)

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requested by the lovely @Cmariexmarvel hope you like it💕

could your biggest secret be the end of your relationship?

For many people when they were a kid they dreamed of being an astronaut, a princess, a president. Being famous. Growing up. For me however, my goal was to kill Elijah Mikaelson. It was his fault i had to grow up without parents and he was going to pay for what he took away from me. I had a plan, everything was set, I even planned on doing it with my parents white oak stake, so they could have the last laugh. The plan had evolved over the years, at first it was going to be a one an done situation but as i got older I wanted to be slower, more personal. I thought of the clever idea was infiltrating his life, making him trust me, make him love me, be part of the inner circle. Then when he least expects it to stab him right in his cold heart. What I hadn't counted on was that I could fall in love with him.

I have fallen in love with him. 

The thought him touching me used to repulse me and it was really hard to fake it at the start, but then i stopped faking. I love him. Whether this means i'm finally at peace with what happend i don't know. That's future me's issue.


"morning all" I shout strolling into compound as me an Elijah had a date planned as we agreed to meet here

"i'll be down in a moment my love" he shouts and i smile making my way through to see if anyone's in the kitchen, i hear hushed voices and when they come into view i see Nik and Bekah arguing, they both stop when  they spot me and plaster smiles on their faces. I stop in my tracks and stare at them 

"either you two were bitching about me or somethings wrong and i don't like either of those scenarios" i say moving fully into the kitchen and leaning on the other side of the island from them, they exchange glances silently communicating deciding to tell me whatever is bugging them

"rumour has it someone in this town has a white oak stake" those words had my heart leap to my throat and praying to god that it's not the one sitting in my attic right now. Remebering I'm in a house full of vampires i try and steady my heart rate

"oh wow" is all i could muster. I had tried to forget about that part of my life but it alwasy finds a way to remind me.

"it can't be the Salvatores because they would've used it by now" Bekah says and I flinch as a hand touches the small of my back

"so goes not telling them" he says and when I make eye contact with hi, he narrows silently asking if I'm ok and I nod. He rubs my back with his thumb "well we'll be off" he says and we say our goodbyes before heading out the house and into my car, Elijah had suggested we go for brunch at one of our favourite spots in the town. About 5 minutes into the drive i could tell something was on his mind as i've caught him looking over to me, wanting to say something about 10 times , once we were at a red light i said

"right spit it out" i say and he sighs 

"you flinched when i touched you earlier and you never do that" he says and I look at him trying to work out what to say

"oh i didn't notice, must've been lost in thought nothing to worry about love" i say smiling reaching over to pat him on the leg

"but you've never done that before and ugh. Sorry" he says shaking his head makes me worried, this is really bugging him

"honey what?" i say " you can talk to me" i say 

"its, its the fact that this happened right after you found out about the white oak stake. Look, i have no reason to be suspicious of you and i think its just cause we're on overdrive trying to find this thing" he says getting frustrated so i decide to turn into a street and pull over so i can talk to him. He looks confused for a moment 

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