facade - Stefan

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you guys broke up but have to hide it 

If you had told me a year ago that I would no longer be able to call Stefan Salvatore my boyfriend I would've laughed in your face and told you "haha good one"

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If you had told me a year ago that I would no longer be able to call Stefan Salvatore my boyfriend I would've laughed in your face and told you "haha good one".  Me and Stefan had been dating for going on 5 years at this point, we were Stefan and Y/n. High school sweethearts who were destined to get married and have children.

This year made me realise that my life isn't the perfect fairytale my younger self dreamed it would be.

Me and Stefan have broken up.

Unbeknownst to our friends me and Stefan had hit a rocky patch in our relationship and we were struggling to communicate to each other how we felt. We had been stuck in this limbo for months and didn't know what to do.

A few months ago...

 Me and Stefan had hit a rough patch in our relationship which has lasted months. It feels like our lives have slowly been pulling away from each other, and that we haven't been as affectionate with each other. In my head I have started to question am I in a relationship? Am i as invested in this as i once was? Do I love him as much as I once did?

Stefan hasn't shown much affection towards me in god knows how long, not even a good morning kiss or a goodnight hug. If we go out with our friends we hold hands but that is about it. If a stranger where to look at the two of us they would not think we are in a relationship.

I was sitting in my dining room sipping a glass of wine fiddling with the dinner I made for myself. Stefan was out with Damon again, it had come to the point to where i could not tell you if there was actually some supernatural matter that needed taking care of, or if he just wanted to avoid the elephant in the room.When I came to that realisation that Stefan wasn't going to be home most nights I started picking up more shifts at the hospital and stuck my head in my work. I did this for around 2 months before I ended up getting a promotion which I was so happy with, I was so ready to celebrate with my boyfriend but I came home to once again an empty house. So here is me alone celebrating a promotion.

I put criminal minds on the tv and was not really paying attention, I think I put it in the background so it felt like I was not alone. I tapped my phone absentmindedly and I looked at the photo of me and Stefan, we were wrapped up in eachothers arms smiling. That photo was taken months ago when we actually felt like a couple. Whilst I was looking at it a petty thought came to mind.

It might be the wine mixed with the slight anger I felt towards him for not being here, but I put my fork down and say out loud (pretend this is how it works aha)

"I hereby uninvite Stefan Salvatore from this house" I look around expecting something to happen but I guess I won't for a while so i turn my attention back to the show. 

An hour or two later

I was cleaning up my dishes when I heard the keys start to turn in the lock and I look up to the door and once it's open I hear the noise of him colliding with the barrier. So I turn my attention back to the dishes.

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