distraction - Enzo - part 2

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please read part 1 before continuing, thank you!! 💕

I was making cups of tea for me and Stefan cause if I stop and think about what happened I will cry and I can't be a blubbering mess when he comes, i've cried enough today. My heart is hammering in my chest knowing he is on his way and I've no idea what I'm gonna say to him

"you ok?" Stefan's voice brings me out of my trance and I nod "your hearts racing" he says and I sigh before saying

"i just don't what do you, or say" he nods as he watches me pour the now boiled water into our mugs. I place the kettle down and look up at him "i mean I told him it was ok to do this, and i told him not to tell me anything but.." i trail off as i begin stirring the tea to keep my hands occupied 

"didn't expect him to fuck her" he says and I don't respond and just go towards the fridge to grab milk to put in the jug, Stefan grabs the mugs and takes them through to the lounge for me and Enzo. I walk through and place the jug on the table just as the doorbell goes and my heart starts racing, I give Stefan a worried look and he mouths you got this, I slowly make my way to the door and take a deep breath before opening it to reveal Enzo. We look at each other for a moment 

"hey darling" he says 

"hi" i say moving aside and he walks past and heads inside he stops briefly as Stefan walks towards us he nods to Enzo then turns to me

"I'll leave you guys to talk" he says moving past him and placing a hand on my shoulder before walking outside and closing the door behind him

"there's tea on the table" I say motioning towards the sofa and we walk over 

"Y/n I'm so fucking sorry" he says as we both sit down and I look at him

"i know" I say "guess it wasn't the most ideal way to find out" he nods 

"I tried to tell you but every time I went to message you or call you to see you all i felt was guilt and I had no idea what to say. That why you didn't hear for me and then I was planning to tell ou later today but fucking Damon.." he says and I look at him

"can I ask you something?" I say and he nods

"of course, anything" he says 

"i know I asked you not to tell me so this my fault but I need to know more my own sanity. Are you sorry for what happened or that you got caught?" I say looking down and he gently places a finger under my chin to lift hy head up, our eyes meet and I see the tears falling down his cheeks 

"my biggest regret in this life was saying to Damons fucking plan. I had no intention for letting it get that far but she knew something was up and she knows how to manipulate a situation and getting what she wants. Y/n I am so so sorry for that, for not telling you right away, for not communicating my struggles. I will do anything anything to make it up to you. You name it, space, a punch bag, me on my knees begging.." he goes on but I squeeze his hands

"Enzo.." i say and he stops talking "we both made idiotic decisions in this situation, me saying not to tell me and telling you to do something neither of us were comfortable with. You for fucking Katherine Pierce" I say causing Enzo to let out a small laugh which brings a smile to my face

"i don't want to lose you" he says as tears fall down his cheeks so I lift a hand and wipe them away

"I don't want to lose you either Enzo. We have a lot to work and talk through but I'm not giving up on us, on this" I say and he breathes a sigh of relief leaning his head on my shoulders and I hug him

"we will get through this" he says and I nod saying


"so.. I'm guessing Stefan knows" he says and I nod

"oh yeah" I say laughing and I look down to him "and the others?" I ask already knowing the answer

"yeah they know" he says sitting up

"cool cool cool" I say nodding causing him to smile but it quickly fades as I see something change in his face and I look at him "what's wrong?" I say and he looks at me at me unsurly 

"there's something I've been meaning to say for a while but now is definitely not the right time" he says and my heart sinks and I smile through the newly formed tears in my eyes

"yeah maybe not" I say which makes him laugh and i reach over to grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze " I do too" I say and he nods  

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now