loyalty - Nik - part 2

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please read part one before continuing on thank you !! 😊 🙏 


I watch Y/n turns away from me and walks out the room and I'll never be able to get the heartbroken look on their face out of my head. My feet felt like they were cemented in the ground and my brain was screaming at me to run after them I shake myself back to reality and speed after them but I get stopped right outside the room by some guests. They begin to talk abut how lovely the ceremony is and all i want to do is rip their heads off and stop talking, I give up and brush past them and right as i get to the main room with everyone in it Kol and Bekah step in front of me with worried looks and i lose it

"WHAT?" i shout at them causing some guests heads to turn but that's the least of my worries

"they're not here" Kol says and I just stare at him for a moment and Bekah speaks up

"Y/n went to Damon and Stefan and they all rushed outside and now they're gone" and I try and take a deep breath 

"Y/n's left? " I say and they both nod and I bring my hands to my face to stop myself from screaming "we've been married a couple of hours and I've already driven them away" I say and i shake my head

"i need to find Y/n. Get Elijah i am fucking done with this day" I say storming off with my siblings in towe. I will rip this world apart in order to get Y/n back I will not let my idiotic decisions drive away the best person in my life.

Your POV

My start to flutter open and begin to adjust to the morning light, i look around and think this doesn't look like where we booked for our honeymoon. The events of yesterday come crashing into memory and my heart sinks as i roll over and confirm there is no one else in the bed, the first night as a married couple and I'm not with my husband. I sit up and rub my eyes as I look around the room where I spent a lot of christmas' with Stef and Damon. I move to the side of the bed to stand up and my eyes fall on my phone sitting there and almost immediately it starts ringing and I see his name on the screen


It takes all my strength to ignore it as walk out the room leaving my phone there, as I make my way across the landing trying the blink he tears away and i hear Damons sounding very angry as he's speaking to someone so I quickly go down the stairs and see he's on the phone in the open dining area

"they don't want to talk right now" he says not noticing I'm here, I walk over to the coffee machine and see there's some already made 

"Damon" Nik's voice sounds from the phone

"Klaus stop calling" Damon says as his eyes fall on me and give me a sympathetic look

"our wedding was yesterday and I'm not with my (wife/husband). They've gone missing I need to know they are ok, I need to speak to Y/n" his voice booms and my eyes begin to water as I stare at the mug in front of me

"Damon please" his voices pleads and i finally look up at Damon

"they're safe that's all that matters right now, now leave us alone" he says hanging up and walks over to me "morning" he says and I nod in response, he then brings me in for a hug

"how many times has he called?" I ask quietly looking up which earns a sigh from Damon and he moves slightly and brings his up to show me his calls and he scrolls a couple of times and i see Nik's contact take up the screen

"too many times" he says earning a slightly laugh from me as I pull away

"sorry he's bugging you" I say and he shrugs. A noise comes from the other side of the room so we look up and see Stefan walking in with shopping bags 

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