kidnapped - klaus - part 2

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please read part one before continuing !

also thank you so much @forbiddenclouds for requesting this 💕

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also thank you so much @forbiddenclouds for requesting this 💕

The first this I was aware of when I started to wake up was that I seem to be lying down on a soft surface, I tried to open my eyes to see where I was but the brightness was too much and made my head pound. I guessed by the feeling that I was lying on a bed on some description, and judging in the level of brightness I was not on the ground floor of a building. 

I tried opening my eyes again, this time my eyes were adjusting so I could keep them open. When i looked around I noticed I was in what looked like a hotel room, I sat up slowly and looked around the room. 

He wasn't here.

I swung my legs over the bed and stood up to walk over to the window and a voice startled me making my heart leap into my throat

"sleeping beauty is finally awake" I spun round quickly and saw he was standing in the doorway, since I moved to fast the whole world began to spin. "shame i thought i would get to give you true loves kiss to wake you" he says and I shake my head.

"wha what did you give me?" I say grabbing the best for balance

"just a little sedative, you will be fine in a couple hours" he says as he walks over to me, i take a step back for his every step and I end up back against the window. He smirks as I try and find any way out of this situation, I look down at the window sill and see there are no ways to open in wide enough. He was opening his mouth about to speak when there is a knock on the door, he moves his head to the side confused, he then turns back to me and whisper 

"you remain silent or I will not hesitate to end you" he says flashing his eyes and I nod, he grabs my arm tightly before dragging me behind him towards the door, he then shoves me to the side so when the door opens I am hidden. He opens the door and yes

"can I help you with something?" he says then a voice that is familiar starts to speak

"room service, courtesy of the hotel. A gesture to show our thanks for being such a good customer" the person says and then it clicks in my brain. Enzo. I need to find some way of letting him know I am here.

"why?" he asks and I can hear Enzo let out a small chuckle. Their conversation carries on for a bit and I am looking around trying to find a subtle but quiet way of getting his attention. My hand goes to my neck and I remember I have a necklace on that Nik gave me right before we started dating, I slowly turn it around so the clasp is ant the front and take it on making sure not to draw attention to myself. I look through the crack and I can see Enzo's eyes scanning to room, so I bring my hand closest to the door up to the crack and I very slowly slip the letter through the crack. I drop it.

My heart stops.

I am praying that he notices.

I look through again and i see his eyes catch the necklace, then he looks up to the crack. My heart racing as he says 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now