I want to flaunt you - Kol

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You're in a new relationship 

We ended up staying in Boston for longer as I wanted to stay with my brothers so we can all be there for Nolan during the beginning of his long road to recovery. Me and my other brothers have sorted out accomodation for him here so he can continue his physiotherapy and Isaac has managed to rearrange his schedule so he can work remotely until Nolan can be on his own. I wanted to stay for longer but Kol persuaded me to head back with him to mystic falls as i do have university work I need to catch up on so I reluctantly booked a flight back.

On the flight


"I'm going to have so much to catch up on, a month's worth of lectures" I say places my hands on my face in stress and I feel a pair of hands gently remove them then gently holds my hands on his lap

"hey try and not think about that now ok try to relax" he says softly and I nod closing my eyes to try and relax but now all i can see is images in my head of my brother in his hospital bed and now all i can think of is I am leaving him

" I shouldn't have left Nolan" I say and i hear Kol sigh

"darling he is in perfectly good hands with Isaac he will be ok I ensured he had the best doctors with him" he says and I look at him and give him a soft smile nodding and he leans over and gently kisses me on the forehead

"thank you for everything Kol" I say looking up and him and he gives me a gentle smile and we look at each other for a moment and I can see a twinkle in his eyes so i know there is something he wants to say "what?" i say and a smirk forms on his face

"I just realised you went away with one boyfriend and coming back with another" he says and I shove him and he lets out a laugh

"mature" I say and he laughs again and it then hits me that we will have to face all my friends. Face Enzo after dumping him over the phone. It must be showing on my face because Kol gently puts a finger under my chin and moves my face so I am looking at him and he says 

"who cares what they will think? they should be happy for their friend that they have found someone who will treat them the way they deserve. Quite frankly I couldn't give a fuck about what they think" he says and I look at him and can't help but laugh

"how?" I say and he looks at me and says

"because I have you" I look at him with so much love and admiration as i lean in and kiss him on the lips and we stay there more a moment before someone clears their throat and we look up to see an air hostess, she offers us a drink we we both accept.  As she is getting our drinks i take a hold of Kols and and squeeze gently causing him to turn to me and a smile at him, she places our drinks on our trays and we say thank you. There's a moment of silence as we stare at the drinks before I turn to him and say

"I love you" he smiles at me and I see there's a twinkle in his eyes

"i love you" he says and I smile too blushing 

"I need to get used to hearing that" I say and he smiles bringing a hand to my cheek and kissing me again. 

"I'm sorry for not realising sooner" I say a he shakes his head

"Y/n you have nothing to be sorry for, I would've waited an eternity for you" he says and I stare at him for a moment 

"Kol Mikaelson you are quite possibly the sweetest and most charming person I have ever met" I say and he smiles smugly

"well you are stuck with me so get used to it Y/l/n" he says sending me a wink casuing me to roll my eyes.


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