please - Katherine

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you want your friends to like her

Being part of the mystic gangs meant there was never a dull moment, they are the best friends I could ask for, we look out for each other. You know being on the constant brink of death everyday really brings you close together.

Our group is far from normal in many ways but we are normal in some aspects, like we follow the "ground rules", stand up for each other, keep and eye out for each other, be honest, don't date your friends brother *cough Elena cough*, and don't date your friends ex...

*cough me cough*

If you had told Y/n from three years ago that she would go on to date one of her best friends doppelgänger, who also happens to be one of her other best friends ex. She would have punched you then laughed in your face. 

I didn't plan on dating Katherine, it just kind of happened. 

Everyone was shocked, annoyed, and very confused by the whole thing. Once I had a sit down conversation with both sides they decided to put their differences aside for me. They both want me to be happy.

present time

Caroline asked us all over to her place for a girls dinner away form the boys, and Katherine, just the four of us. We haven't had time to relax since we all had finals so, we were having a celebratory dinner. As I was getting ready I felt a pair of eyes watching me so I looked in the mirror to see Katherine sitting on my bed watching me pouting 

"what's wrong now?' half laughing and she sighs lying back on my bed 

"do you half to go to this stupid dinner? also why was i not invited? i'm Katherine Pierce" she says and I turn around 

"because we are celebrating getting through exams which you didn't take, we also haven't spent time just us four in ages so we just want to relax and have a nice meal. Also to them you are not not THE Katherine Pierce" I say turning back to my reflection

"what am I?" she asks and I smile 

"mythic bitch" I say laughing. "plus you don't actually want to sit through a meal with them, you are just in a strop because they didn't invite you" I say and she nods 

"fair" she says standing up walking over to me. I look at her in the mirror as she walks right up behind me, she then spins me around so our faces are inches apart 

"will you come straight back, cause I want to see you before I go feeding?" she says and i not 

"yes you will" i say giving her a quick peck on the lips, I go to walk away but she grabs my arm and spins me back around. She pulls me in and crashes her lips on mine, I stand there shocked before easing into the kiss. I bring my arms around her neck and she wraps hers around my waist. I tangle my fingers in her hair as she tries to take my cardigan off but before she could my phone rings. I pull back making her sigh 

"really?" she says and I grab my phone and she it is Elena ringing 

"hello lovely" I say 

"hey, my car is still in the garage so could you possibly pick me up?" she asks and I nod 

"of course on my way" I say hanging up. I turn back to Katherine giving her another peck "see you later" I say walking out. 


There is nothing like a homemade meal with your friends. 

We did everything from scratch and made a lovely meal together. I love these girls so much and it felt nice to just act like teenagers again. Reminisce about the times before the Salvatore's came into our lives. After we cleaned up we all grabbed a piece of the cake I made for desert and headed over towards the couch so we can start the movie.

"you know what?" Bonnie says and we all turn to her "we need to celebrate" she says and I look at her confused 

"isn't that what we are doing?" Elena says and she laughs 

"I know, and as much as i love this we deserves to really celebrate! I mean come on! we just defeated the Mikaelsons again and did FINALS. i mean come on we need to end this year with a bang" she says and i smile 

"she has a point" I say and Caroline smiles 

"how about tomorrow night we go out! Care can compel our way into a club and we can get absolutely wasted we can'r remember our own names" Elena says and I smile 

"no boys!" Care says and we all nod 

"since it was just us four tonight am I able to invite Katherine?" I ask and they all look at each other 

"yes" they all say and I smile

"love you guys" I say. 

The next day

I thought Katherine would jump at any opportunity to go our clubbing, easy feed as she likes to say, but she said she had other business to attend to

"ok if you are going to refuse to spend time with your girlfriend and her friends you are going to have to give more of an explanation than, I have to do something" I say and she sighs 

"i need to go talk to some people" she says and I sigh

"what will it take for you to leave the Salvatore's alone? I thought we moved past this?" I ask and she smiles

"it's not them I need to speak to, if you must know I am meeting an old witch friends who has helped me over the years" she says and I stared at her "honestly" she says and I sigh 

"fine" I say as I stand up from the bed and into the bathroom, when I get there I walk over to the sink leaning on it. I hear her sigh 

"y/n come on, they don't actually want me there anyway" she says making my grip on the sink tighten

"weren't you the one complaining you were not invited to the dinner last night?" I say not looking up at her

"no I just wanted to spend time with you, i don't realLy care -" I have had enough at his point 

"well I DO!" I shout turning to her "I AM FED UP WITH THIS, I love my best friends and I have had to fight with them about how I feel about you. They didn't understand they tried to stop us but they CARE ABOUT MY FEELINGS SO THEY ARE TRYING TO GET ON WITH YOU. Are you doing the same for them NO YOU AREN'T EVEN TRYING" I shout trying to get past her but she takes a hold on my arm

"hey hey I am trying" she sya sand I snatch my arm

"not hard enough!" I shout and she looks at me confused

"i don't have a family, they are my family so if you cant - "I start but she puts her arms on mine 

"ok ok calm down" she says rubbing my arms "i'm sorry, I have been acting selfish,. I will try more ok? I will rearrange with her" she says and I look at her 

"really?" I ask and she nods. I smile brining her in for a hug "thank you Kat" I say and she squeezes me 

"I should be thanking you" she says and i pull away confused

"what do you mean?" I ask and she smiles

"for fighting for me" she says and i kiss her again

"i love you" I say and she smiles

"I love you too" 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now