we go together - Damon

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you ask him to move in with you

Earlier today Elena drove the two of us to the boarding house as we both had plans with our boyfriends but as usual our were delayed. Caroline and Bonnie came storming in and decided now was the time to discuss to pick apart a plan Stefan and Damon had come up with to derail Kai. I had tuned out the conversation a while ago as I didn't want any part of this plan so I started scrolling on my phone when a notification popped up and I saw Damon has messaged me, even though we were in the same room

Dam❤️ you couldn't look more interested in this plan if you tried

hardy har it's your stupid plan which caused this inane argument, can we please go?

Dam❤️ hey im not the one throwing a temper tantrum for once


Dam❤️ hey watch it

Damon....   I look up to see him smirking at his phone and  our eyes lock before I look back down at my phone hiding my blushing cheeks

Dam❤️ Y/n...

i need you

"hey can you two-" Caroline starts to say but Damon stands up and walks right over to me, took my hands pulling me up so I can stand, then bends down wrapping his arms around my waist lifting me up and  over his shoulder

 "Damon!" i say while laughing and he begins to walk us out of the room

"sorry Blondie but i've better things to do with my time" Damon says and I try and look up at my friends 

"hey don't talk about Y/n like that" Tyler says smugly and I flip him off right before Damon speeds us up the stairs to his room. He gently places me on the bed then sits down next to me and we both wait a few seconds before we here Stefan shout

"we're done don't to anything until we leave none of us want to hear you" which causes me and Damon to burst out laughing, once I hear the front slam I slowly stand up and hold out my hand for him to take which makes him pout

"i thought you needed me?" he says and I laugh

"always but you made us a lunch reservation remember?" I say and he groans 

"don't know if I'll be able to wait that long" he says leaning forward wrapping his arms around my legs and resting his head on my stomach and i laugh

"well we can get a main and you can have dessert when we get back to mine" I say winking take his hands from my leg and gently pull him so he's standing up and we start walking back down the stairs and out the house. We spend the car ride to the restaurant making plans for the trip we want to take after I'm finished with exams and Damon mentioned his excitement about getting away from all our friends. But talking about this holiday we're planning has made the think about the future a bit more, what will be doing, where will me and Damon be. Once we break at a red light I turn to him slightly and say

"have you and Stefan always stayed in the boarding house?" I ask and he nods

"yep our entire lives" he says and he gives me a quizzical look 

"would you ever move out?" I ask an he looks st me

"i would yeah, don't want our kids growing up there" he says which brings butterflies to my stomach"what spurred that question?" he says and i shrug

"don't know just talking about the holiday has made the think about stuff" i say just as the light turns green

"i see" he says "care to enlighten me?" he says placing a hand on my thigh

"well the future i guess, where we'll be, where I want to be" I say and he hums in response 

"well I know my future is with you so i'll follow you wherever you want " he says me smiling and I can feel my heart race

"i feel the same" I say as we pull into a parking spot "i don't care where as long as I'm with you" I say turning to him and he kisses me

"well then you are stuck with me Y/n" he says and I smile

Later that day in the evening....

After a lovely meal we came back to my flat and just had a very chilled day. We were at in my bed reading just trying to unwind after the day, I place my book down for a moment and I glance at my boyfriend. He looks so relaxed and at peace and I can't help but fall in love with him all over again, a small smirk forms on his face 

"take a picture baby it'll last longer" he says and I gently shove him

"love you too" i say and he gently grabs my chin pulling me closer so he can kiss me and when he pulls away I smile at him "I want to ask you something well, i've got an idea" I say and he nods putting his book down 

"yeah?" he says and I smile

" i was wondering if you wanted to move in with me?" I say and he stares at me for a moment causing my heart to sink but he starts grinning and immediately pulls me in for a hug causing and I start giggling 

"yes yes a million times yes" he says pulling me on top of him and I place my hands on his cheeks 

"really?" I ask and he nods kissing me

"would you believe me if I said I was gonna ask you that very same question tomorrow?" he says and I laugh

"you're something else Salvatore" I say kissing him and he strokes my hair when I pull back

"wasn't joking I said you're stuck with me, I plan on being with you forever" he says and I smile

"earlier you mentioned out kids?" I say wiggling my eyebrows and he smiles

"uh uh" he says and I move so I'm lying next to him

"thought vampires can't have kids?" I say and he moves so he's hovering over me

"no but we love to try" he says leaning down and kissing me.

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now