oh Y/n - Elijah

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You are with someone but he wants you

"Elijah..." I say quietly and they all stare at me wide eyed before Caroline says 

"I'm sorry, Elijah?! as in?" 

"Mikaelson yeah.." I say quietly causing them all to shout in unison

"WHAT?!". I reach for my drink and take a huge sip wishing I could be anywhere but here as they are firing all these questions at me. When they notice I begin to get uncomfortable so they calm themselves and take a few breaths before Bonnie speaks up "sorry about that I guess we were a little shocked" she says and I nod

"yeah...there was a reason i never said his name before now but I hated lying to you guys so.. there ya go" I say and they all share a look before moving the conversation along catching on that I wanted to drop the topic.


Elijah Mikaelson was my first love. He was the person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, he was like the prince charming I wanted to marry after watching all those fairytales when I was younger. Safe to say he wasn't my happily ever after. Instead he broke my heart and let me leave without saying goodbye. And now him and his siblings have come to take over mystic falls leaving me no choice other than to face him and all the baggage that comes with that. However, I have hope I will get through this with Stefan, my rock, by my side. He was the only one, out of the gang, who knew that Elijah and I dated previously and knew what he put me through. Do I sometimes feel he still has some feeling for Elena yes, but does that negate the fact he has helped me in more ways than i can count? no.

Later that day we were all waiting at the boarding house for the Mikaelsons to arrive and my heart rate was through the roof. And I knew all of my friends could hear it which made it even worse. Stefan was trying to soothe me but nothing was working so I just stood up and started pacing to try and get out this nervous energy as I heard Damon mumbling in the background about some sort of plan. When I looked up I felt my heart leap to my throat as my eyes met those gorgeous brown ones

"look at them all standing together?" Klaus says and he scans the room causing all my friends to stiffen up then his eyes fall on mine

"hello love" he says and I give him a small smile as he leans in and gives me a hug 

"hi" I say meekly before i feel a pair of hands pull be backwards and I look to see Stefan has brought me back over to them and moves so he is standing slightly in front of me causing a slight scoff from Elijah. 

"right are we going to talk about why you are here or not?" Damon says and Bekah says 

"same as always he wants Elena" Stefan says and i move away from him slightly so I am not being blocked by him. I try and look everywhere else in the room but I can feel his eyes on me so i give in and I immediately melt under his gaze.

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now