You little Tease - Stefan

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You two keep teasing each other in public until you have had enough

Me and Stefan have been together for five years now and with that time you would think our relationship ship has matured, we are in a serious committed adult relationship

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Me and Stefan have been together for five years now and with that time you would think our relationship ship has matured, we are in a serious committed adult relationship. You are not wrong. But also you are.

I like to prank my boyfriend and embarrass him in front of our friends and believe me he likes to do the same. To say it has escalated in the five years is an understatement. It went from innocent pranks like stealing each other's clothes telling our friends I insisted we made a sex tape.



Now it is my time for revenge. But I am going to take my time with this, just to make sure he gets the message. I am going to do little things here are there to teach him a lesson and to not go behind my back and record me ever again. 

So i'm going to start small, we were out for dinner with Bonnie and Enzo one night in a really nice restaurant. I deliberately wore a dress is a low back to start the night off and throughout the meal I would do little things like rest my hand on his upper thigh, put my on his neck and gently rub. I would slowly take a sip of my drink. 

Our waiter took our main course plates away and I need to go to the bathroom

"excuse me I need to go freshen up" I say and Bonnie says

"I need to as well" I smile and before I stood up I brushed his crotch with my hand then all the way up his upper body as I stood up. Then I patted him on the shoulder before I walked with Bonnie. As we were walking away I turn back to Stefan who was looking at me and shaking his head.

When we entered the bathroom Bonnie spoke 

"ok what is going with you two?" she asks laughing slightly as we check our appearances

"I am teaching him a lesson for going behind my back, this is only the beginning" I say and she shakes her head 

"how long have you two been" and I look at her

"hey at least I'm not still in the honeymoon faze' I say and she feigns shock and shoves me slightly 

"I wuv youuu" I say giving her a hug and she gives in

"love you too" she says. We grab our stuff and head back to the table. 

The next thing I did I decided to amp it up a little, and I enlisted the help of my girls to help me execute. The boys were all out for drinks at the grille so it was only me and Elena that would be in the boarding house. So we called over Care and Bonnie to have fun some, when they arrived I told them the plan

"so I am going to wear this" I say as I take the brand new victoria secret lingerie i bought 

"you are going to look HOT" Caroline says as she feels the fabric

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