don't worry darling - Elijah

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you have been summoned to help tame him

"my love, please tell me again why you are going on this trip?" I say still lying in our shared bed watching my husband pack the last of his things, he turns to me smiling sweetly

"Niklaus wants to do the deal in person to make sure we won't get as you would put it 'screwed over' " he says with a smile and my through a pillow at him which of course he catches 

"so this trip just so happens to be in Williamsburg" I say smiling at him as he slowly walks over to the bed towards me and sits down next to me "remind me what else is in Virginia" I say and he sighs bringing is hand to rest where my legs are under the covers

"mystic falls is not the aim on this trip but i can't promise you we won't end up there" he says and I smile

"ahh he finally admits it" I say and he laughs 

"this deal is why we're going to Virginia, i will do my very best to stop him from terrorising your friends" he says and i bring one of my hands to his cheek stroking his face

"the others he can terrorise just not Stefan and Damon" I say which causes him to roll his eys before nodding "thank you" i say leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his smooth lips. We pull away staring at each other for a while leaning our foreheads together

"i hate leaving you" he says softly and I smile "especially when you wake up with sex hair" he says and I shove him away from me

"just when I was about to say I love you, you've been spending too much time with Kol" I say removing the covers, standing up to put my dressing gown on and he walks with me and turns me around by the waist wrapping his arms around me

"i love you Y/n Mikaelson" he says and I sigh wrapping my arms around his neck

"i love you Mikaelson" I say reluctantly still trying to play of I'm annoyed and he tickles me which lets out a laugh and he smiles

"i really do hate leaving you" he says and I stroke the back of his neck

"i hate letting you go but I love watching you leave" I say with a smirk and laughs 

"is that us even now?" he says and i nod

"equal marriage and all" I say and he smiles leaning in and kissing me, he pulls me in close so our bodies are flush against each other and I ease into the kiss bringing my hands into his hair, we stay like that before he reluctantly pulls away

"niklaus says it's time to go and the sex can wait" he says and I roll my eyes saying 

"fuck you Nik" I kiss Elijah one more time before saying "come back to me in one piece and please leave my friends in one piece., that last part was for you too Nik. " I say as Elijah walks out the door but he stops for a moment before turning around and speeding to me kissing me one more time. He pulls away 

"see you when I get back" he says and I nod before we walks away and downstairs to meet his brother. I sigh looking at our empty bed and decide that I may as well start getting ready for work early and get my day started.


a week later

Just got out of a meeting with my team and the boss about the the next court case and as I was walking back to my office I felt my phone buzz, i try not to look at my phone during work unless its to contact a client or a colleague. Once I reach my office I turn to my assistant, who is one of my best friends

"any messages lovely?" i say as I walk over and sit on her desk

"none from clients but one from Bekah, i told her you'd call her after work but it sounded urgent" she says and I roll my eyes

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