as he walks by - Kol

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You are in a great relationship but he catches your eye

(A/N: the phone call script i do not own, this is from an episode of Gilmore Girls, i added a few tweaks to go with the story)

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(A/N: the phone call script i do not own, this is from an episode of Gilmore Girls, i added a few tweaks to go with the story)

I was waiting in the grille for my boyfriend, Enzo, to come and pick me up so we could head over to his place for the night. I had school today so I just thought I would come and wait here and I could get some studying done whilst I wait. Finals are only a few weeks away and I need to make sure I get good grades so i can head to Harvard. It has been my dream school for as long as i can remember, Enzo has been so great about the whole thing and insanely supportive. He said his apartment was open for me any time if i wanted to study. I could not ask/dream for a better Boyfriend.

But then I saw him.

Kol Mikaelson.

 I have always felt fond of the youngest Mikaelson sibling, there was something about him that just felt different. He wasn't controlled by hate or revenge like Nik, and he doesn't put up with as much shit as Elijah and Rebekah. I couldn't explain why but I always felt safe around him, I felt home. I tried to explain this to the girls but they didn't understand. i knew there was no point trying to bring it up with Enzo because he wouldn't have any of it. 

Right now he just walked in the grille with such an air of confidence and maturity that took my breath away. He stood there by the doorway for a few seconds looking around for a place to sit and he caught my staring, so I immediately dug my face back in my course book. After a few seconds I look back up and he was looking at me, he smiled at me before walking inside and heading over to the bar. I place my book down and I take a deep breath. 

My heart was facing, my face was flushed, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was confused to why i felt like when I was younger and I had seen my crush. And it dawns on me, i look over my shoulder to see him leaning over the bar ordering. It was him. He then begins to turn around and he looks back and he and smile again, as if he knew i was watching him so i give a small smile before turning back around. 

His smile and his gaze made my heart skip a beat. 

I shake my head and I pick up my phone to check the time and I look at my lockscreen, it was a photo of me and Enzo.

My boyfriend. I have a boyfriend.

"something on your mind?" A voice says and I knew it was him, i look up to see him standing by my table, drink in hand. 

"um nothing, nothing" i say placing my phone down. He motions a hand and asks

"mind if I sit?" I shake my head as he sits down opposite me, I get a whiff of him cologne and it smells so intoxicating. We stare in each others eye for a moment before I break the silence

"what brings you to the grille on a wednesday afternoon?" I ask and he smiles

"I needed to get out the house it was getting suffocating, I'm bored of hearing Niks various revenge plans on his many enemies. None of which are mine so I left" he says with a sad smile before he takes a sip of his drink. I look at him for a moment before saying 

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