tone of surprise - Damon (request)

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he finds out you can sing

@paige_strange15 sorry it took so long, hope you like it

You know how everyone has something that they are good at, something you seem to excel in more in

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You know how everyone has something that they are good at, something you seem to excel in more in. For Elena that is science, for Care that it's her people and communication skills, Bon it's her powers. For me? It's singing. For as long as I can remember I have loved to sing whether it's show tunes, Ella Fitzgerald, the 80's hits, you name it. 

When i was younger i entered in competitions and joined theatre groups but as soon as I reached high school my confidence left and I stopped. Only the girls are aware I can sing, no one else knows and i made them swear not to tell. Not even my boyfriend knows.  Me and Damon have been going out for around a year now and i have managed to keep it a secret, I will tell him eventually but I'm just not ready yet. However, the girls had a different plan.


After school we all decided to head to the grille just to have a relaxing afternoon not worrying about anything and we just wanted to act like 'regular' teenagers for once. We caught each other up on our days, bitched about the teachers which then sparked another conversation 

"soo is anyone going to sign up for the talent show this year?" Matt says taking a sip of his drink, Tyler and Jeremy shake their heads profusely

"hell no" Tyler says causing us to roll our eyes

"just cause you are worried it would ruin your non existent bad boy reputation" I say and he feigns shock 

"low blow" he says and I smile at him as Caroline walks over

"he has no talent to show off anyway" she says sitting down next to him and he looks at her

"what happened to being a supportive girlfriend?" he says and she rubs his cheeks causing him to roll his eyes

"well back to the topic of conversation I signed us up for the talent show" Bonnie says causing all of us to whip our heads around 

"who is us?" Elena asks 

"me, you, Y/n and Care, I thought we could recreate the mean girls dance?" she says and I laugh

"now that I would love to see" Tyler says leaning back and Care shoves him

"i suppose it could be fun" I say and I feel a hand on my shoulder and i look up to see my boyfriend standing there with a drink

"what could be fun?" He says sitting down next to me

"we are entering in the talent show, doing the dance from mean girls" Bonnie says and he looks at me 

"you in a skimpy dress? I'm there" he says and now I am the one shoving my boyfriend.

"you're coming?" I say and he smirks

"always the tone of suprise?" he says and I smile kissing him on the cheek.

The Talent show

I headed to the drama classrooms to find the girls and they were all huddled around a mirror so I walk over to them

"who is ready to jingle bell rock?" I say setting down my dress and they all turn around and smile at me, i give them a look because they all look suspicious "why are you all looking at me like that?" I say and they give each other a look before Caroline says

"we didn't actually enter in the talent show, we entered you and you are going to sing! Yay" she says and my eyes widen in shock 

"im sorry what?!" i say and Elena grabs my hands

"Y/n you are a phenomenal singer and you need to get your confidence back, we want you to show the world that you are the next Ariana Grande" she says 

"guys I don't know" I say turning away then a realisation hits me "Damon is coming tonight!! he has never heard me sing!" I say starting to panic and Elena grabs my hand again

"well now he will know how talented you are and how lucky he is to be dating you" she says and I give them all a look then I roll my eyes

"fine, but you all owe me. Big time" I say and they all smile before dragging me towards the stage. A good idea in the long run otherwise I might have run away. When we get to the wings our friends, who was incharge of the band asked me what song I was singing so they could tell the band, I think for a moment before saying 

"something's got a hold on me, Christina Aguilera. Original key" i say and they nod before heading back down to the band.

"you've got this" the girls says before moving further back so they aren't in the way of anyone. I take the microphone someone handed to me, taking a deep breath as the announcer calls my name. I walk out on the stage and I am thankful the lights are so bright making it I can't see the crowd. I hear the girls whooping and I look down and give the conductor a small nod before I start to sing. As soon as the band started I forgot I was on a stage, i was just in my living room belting my heart out. There is no better feeling than getting lost in the music and just letting all of your inhibitions go. 

When I finished my song there was an eruption of applause which pulled me back to reality and I realised that I had sung a song in front my school, including my boyfriend. I nodded my head and walked off the stage to where Damon is now standing with the girls.

"you were insane Y/n" Elena says hugging me and i smile at the 

"I can't believe I did that" I say whilst hugging Bonnie and Caroline

"well you just did! now we are going to the grille to celebrate come on!" Bonnie says before they run of to go find the others, leaving me and Damon alone

"I didn't know you could sing?" he says smiling and I say

"always the tone of surprise?" He laughs pulling me closer to him do he could wrap his arms around my waist.

"you are an amazing and i am hoping tonight proves you don't need to hide it anymore" he says and I nod "and just so you know every night from now on I will be expecting a personal concert where you will serenade me to sleep" he says and i shove him away

"don't push your luck" I say grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me as we walk to meet the others.

"don't push your luck" I say grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me as we walk to meet the others

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