calm - Damon

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trying to keep a last sense of calm before a storm

"It will be fun!" Elena says to the three of us, we look at each other and share an unsure look around the table. We were all just sitting in a booth at the grille when we started talking about holidays, this was what sparked the idea in Elena's head

"oo i wish i could but i don't want to" Damon says causing me to give him a gentle nudge

"don't be rude" I say before returning my my attention back to Elena "besides, i think it could a lot of fun" I say causing her to smile 

"there you go!" she says and Stefan smiles looking at her and I turn to him 

"you in?" i ask as Elena turns to him, he smiles at her before says 

"yeah, why not" he says and she smiles hugging him and I turn back to Damon saying 

"you have no choice" i say triumphantly and he pulls me into him and my body and his are up against each other.

"just to warn you, if we are going away I am going to make the most of having you all to myself" he whispers into my ear making me giggle. That brings the other two's attention back to us 

"well we should start planning right away" Elena says excitedly but Stefan interrupts her and says. 

"make sure it is not a repeat of last time, no mysterious original coming out of nowhere" causing her to shove him and he holds his hands up in surrender. I was about to chime in when Damon started getting a phone call

"it's Bonnie" he says answering the phone and putting it on speaker

"hey, you're on speaker" he says and we hear her rushing around 

'guys we have a huge problem the Mikaelsons are making their moves next week" We all share a look before Stefan speaks up 

"where did you hear this?" and she quickly explains the situation and we all try and digest it and try to begin forming a plan. We spend the next hour or so on the phone discussing, what the hell we are going to do, with Bonnie before finally hanging up. We all sit in silence unsure of what to say or do next. One minute we were planning a couples get away and the next reality came knocking and ruined any chance of happiness. 

"guess that's our trip foiled" Damon says taking my hand in his and Elena shakes her head

"no, it's not we cannot let this stand in our way. We are going" she says. She then takes a deep breath before going into full Monica mode and starts to create a skeleton schedule which ends up taking up the rest of the day.


"thank god we got rid of her" Damon says exasperated collapsing on my bed and I laugh at him as I begin to get undressed and ready for bed. He had already taken off his trousers and started to get under the covers. 

"she's just excited we finally have something good to look forward too" I say as I take of my shirt and put one of Damon's which I had been using for pj's, he watches me as I walk over to join him under the cover and take my book from the night stand

"yeah I know" he says as he reaches for his book too then proceeds to open it. I started reading mine but a thought kept coming into my mind that I couldn't quite shake, I wasn't going to day anything to him but after attempting to read the same page several times I spoke up

"this, this trip, could be our last chance to chill for" I start to say but then I couldn't think of a way to finish so he does it for me

"a long time" he says putting his book down "they aren't going to back down this time" he says and I nod. I turn to him and place my hand on top of his, stroking his hand with my thumb to offer some form of comfort.

"let's make the most of it" I say and he nods with a sad smile. He leans in and plants a soft kiss before saying 

"i love you" he says and I smile

"i love you more" I say and he shakes his head

"not possible" he says before leaning in again.

this chapter is horrendous I do apologise

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