loyalty - Nik

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It's your wedding day, will Nik be able to keep the promises he made?

There have been many MANY ups and downs throughout mine and Nik's relationship. Hurt, betrayal, anger, sadness. The list goes on. But we have always come out of it stronger than before. One of the biggest things we have had to work through is Nik keeping things close to his chest, especially when it involves my safety. Being Nik's partner means having a target constantly on my back, which i knew going into this, and being used as bait, leverage and just a pawn in peoples games. I was used to it as Damon and Stefan are basically my brothers so I have had my fair share of drama caused by them too. The last time this happened was on my bachelor/bachelorette night. He had failed to mention that a wolf pack and come into town and threatened to kill me and they ended up actually kidnapping me and hurting me. Did the kidnapping suck? Yes But what hurt more was Nik lying to me about it

that night

We were sitting in bed together, Nik was looking at me with worried eyes as I was just staring into the distance.

"i'm so sorry love" he says reaching for my hand and taking it is his bringing it to his lips 

"why didn't you tell me they were in town?" I say turning to face him

"I didn't want to worry you.." he starts but i shake my head

"Nik for christ sake we have been together for 6 years I know how this world works. How many times to I have to tell you I don't care about all the target on my back bullshit. I know how to defend myself and the only reason I was in danger tonight is because I was kept in the dark. Nik we are engaged we are meant to be a team how can we do that if we aren't honest with each other"  I say and he nods his head 

"I just want to protect you and I know you can defend yourself trust me" he says causing us both to let out a small laugh.

"then let me in" I say and he nods

"just if anything were to happen to you.." he says and I squeeze his hands

"nothing will next time because I'll know" I say and he smiles "Plus Damon and Stefan would kill you" I say which causes him to let out a small laugh

"I love you" he says leaning in an kissing me. When we pulls away I look at him before saying 

"I need you to promise me something" I say and he looks at me " from now on if there is ever a threat against me or anyone we love you will tell me and we will work through it together" I say and he nods and I look into his eyes "promise me Nik" I say and he places his hands gently on my cheeks

"I promise Y/n" 


Our relationship has been hard work but my god is it worth it. It is currently the night before the wedding and I am in my old bedroom with my maid of honour reminiscing about the road to get here. 

"can you believe we actually made it?" I say to here and she shakes her head 

"nope, I was so sure my brother was going to find some way to screw it up again but hey we still have tomorrow" she says causing me to glare at her then throw my phone at her "hey hey i was kidding" she says catching my phone 

"not funny, there is still enough time to change maid of honour, I know Elena will be so happy.." I start to say and this time she throws something at me causing us to burst out into laughter. Bekah's phone pings so she goes to look at it and my mind begins to think of all the worst case scenarios in my head, I see a flicker of something on her face causing my heart to sink

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