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Hi guys, this isn't going to be an imagine or a preference. Sorry

But I am hoping this might help some of you guys realise that you are not alone in this and that we can maybe help each other.

My entire life I have always felt like the odd one out, the last one picked, the forgotten one. Thoughts would take over like everybody hates you, you are so annoying, they are laughing at you not with you, they are bitching about you. 

I have spoke to teachers about it, my parents, my friends and professionals and I know it all stems back to my childhood and my anxiety.  But there have been two points in my life where it has been really bad, when I was in first year of high school. And now this year. Right now.

I am living with 5 other wonderful girls who I consider some of my best friends. But I can't help but feel like the loneliest person in the world when I am here. Always the last to know anything, picked on for pranks, whenever I say something the conversation dies down. They can forget I am not there sometimes. And today I even heard them talking about me upstairs. I just don't know if they value my friendship as much as I value theirs.

I really want to make this situation work but this is the worst i have felt in a long time and I just don't know what to do anymore.

If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it!

But want I want to be taken away from this is YOU ARE NEVER ALONE 💕

My PMs are always open and if you ever need someone to talk to, rant to, cry to etc I am always here for you ❤️. You guys have saves my life and i don't know how I can ever repay you

we will get through this 

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