Doctor Salvatore - Damon (request)

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I have been looking after Y/n for the past week after I got a frantic phone call from Stefan saying they weren't going to make it and my heart stopped. We have all known each other for years and I even helped them with their medical school applications. But once thing you must know was before they were injured I had started to develop feelings for Y/n. Did this mean seeing them this hurt was hard? yes. Am I absolutely infatuated with her now? YES. I knew in that moment that I wanted to be the one for them when they woke up, the first person they see in the morning and last person they think of at night. Be the one to protect them against the horrors of the supernatural world. 


"Damon I came as fast as I could are they ok?" Elena says quickly as she runs to their beside and I nod 

"they are stable and their vitals are looking good so safe to say they are on the road to recovery however, because of the nature of their injuries they will have to take it easy so the stitches can heal" I say putting down the checkerboard and rubbing my face with my hands. I have not stopped since I found out they had been attacked, I stopped everything so I could be here for them and ensure that they stay alive.  Y/n not being in my life was not an option. 

"are unconscious or just asleep?" Elena asks and I turn to face her so my eyes fall on Y/n looking peaceful 

"asleep" I say with a small smile and and Elena's eyes flicker between me and Y/n as a smile forms on her face

"you should tell them when they wake up" she says smugly and I give her a look of slight confusion

"sorry?" I say walking over to their bed and listening to hear that they are still breathing, trying not to get lost in their beauty

"that you are in love with them?" he says wiggling her eyebrows and my eyes widen and I cannot come up with anything to retort back so she just smiles at me in victory. Before we can say anything we hear Y/n taking a deep breath so we look down and see their eyes fluttering open "hello sleeping beauty" she says and Y/n gives her one of their signature cute smiles before turning to look at me and I can feel heart beat faster 

"hi you" they say and I smile back

"hi" I say and Elena excuses herself before rushing out the room "how are you feeling" I say before walking over and sitting down in the chair I placed next to their bed so I can watch them sleep to make sure they are ok. 

"better thanks to my savior" they say reaching for my hand and squeezing it causing me to look down and our hands

"I wouldn't say that" I say before looking back up at them. We stare at each other for a moment before I say, without thinking, "you really had me scared there" they furrow their eyebrows at me for a moment before I continue "I thought I was going to lose you" i say and the smile

"like I could leave you alone? you wouldn't survive without me" they say jokingly which causes me to laugh but I knew it was true. They try to sit up slightly but I see them wince so I help to make it easier. 

"Y/n" I say grabbing their other hand and they nod 

"yeah?" they says and I take a deep breath before saying 

"everything that's happened the past couple of weeks have really made me put things into perspective. And makes me realise I need to take more chances and go after what I want and I think.." I start to say but I pause and they give my hand a reassuring squeeze and a smile

"I think I'm falling in love with you" I say and they stare at me for a moment before bringing one of their hands to my cheek and saying with a smile

"I fell for you when I met you Damon" and they lean in and kiss me. 

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