hold still - Klaus

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You are finally meet Salvatore brothers, which you have heard so much about

Me and Nik have been engaged for around 10 months now but we have been dating going on 6 years

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Me and Nik have been engaged for around 10 months now but we have been dating going on 6 years. No one and I mean literally no one knows about me or our relationship apart from his family and mine. My family live in a different country so there is no way anyone can get to them, and anyone who works for them have been sworn to secrecy. No supernatural being in aware of my existence. If anyone comes to the hows or anyone comes to town. Nik ensures that I am not in the house or that I am away for work. I know about everyone else though, I have done my research and i am aware of every single member of the mystic gang. And also the reasons they are disliked by the Mikaelsons.

I am not going to lie, I have no idea how we have gotten away with this. I am also not complaining.


I had just finished a meeting with my team about our upcoming court case, i was packing up my files and the evidence of the case when my phone started to vibrate. I check the name and see


I smile and click the green icon and put him on speaker

"Hi love" I say

"Hope i am not interrupting anything" he says 

"I have just come out of the team meeting but I am meeting the client in 10 minutes so I don't have much time" I say 

"that's alright love this won't take long. I was just phoning to say that I will be picking you up after work because i have arranged for us to go to dinner. I have some news that I want to share in person" I stop what I am doing for a moment

"are you really going to leave me on a ominous cliffhanger right before I'm meeting a client?" I say and I hear his chuckle

"it's not my fault you are a hot shot lawyer that doesn't have time for her fiance" he says and I pick up the phone taking it off speaker

"wow, on that lovely note I have to go" I say laughing "right honey, I will message you when i am out this meeting. It's going to be a late one" I say

"alright love, I'll see you later" he says and I hang up and quickly walk to my office.


3 hours later and my client has just left and i tell my assistants to go as well. I collapse in my chair and pick up my phone scrolling through until I reach his contact. I was about to press call when I hear a voice coming from behind me

"no need to love" I turn around and see him standing there with a bouquet of white roses, I smile as i stand up and walk over to my gorgeous man

"why hello" I say leaning forward and kissing him, "how'd you get here so quickly?" I say and he smiles

"I phoned your office and asked Austin (one of your assistants) to phone me when you finished so I could surprise you" he says and I take the flowers

"these are beautiful thank you" I say kissing him again before grabbing my bags and taking his hand in my free one "and you are the sweetest person ever" I say and he smiles leading me through the building and into the car.

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