at first - Stefan

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You guys fake a relationship because you both would have something to gain, but you catch feelings

a/n: been reading the love hypothesis so that has inspired this part! i am deep on booktok aha

I quickly walked out the library to where I had asked Stefan to meet me asap. I was about to do something that would change our friendship forever and it was all because of a tiny lie I told to help out one of my friends. My eyes darted around the courtyard until they landed on Stefan sitting at one of the picnic benches so I ran over to him and almost crashed into him when he stood up

"woah woah what's the matter?" he asks placing his hands on my arms and I out try to catch my breath, I don't know if this is because I am unfit or the sheer panic of this situation, either way I need to go to the gym.

"I am about to kiss you I will explain afterwards try not to act shocked" I say quickly turning around to see and right on cue Caroline and Bonnie walk out 

"I'm sorry what?" Stefan says but I completely ignored him and says 

"here it goes" I say as I grab his face in my hand and I smash my lips on his. At first he just stands their rigid unsure of what to do but I move one of my arms around his neck bringing his body closer to mine and he movies his around my waist easing into the kiss. I move my hand this hair moving his face closer to mine but as I do that I feel myself needing to breath so I pull away and we both stare at each other shocked. He stares at me and I look over his shoulder to see the girls walking away looking deep in conversation, I sigh hoping it worked 

"what the hell just happened?" he asks and I grab his hands sitting him down on the bench 

"ok this is going to sound insane and incredibly stupid and please try not to get mad until i have finished explaining" I say and he nods wanting me to continue "i may or may not have told Caroline that I was meeting my boyfriend so she would finally get off my back and not feel bad about dating Tyler since he is my ex and she didn't want to hurt my feelings. " I say and his eyes widen in a mixture of confusion and shock and possibly anger. I can see the clogs working in his brain 

"you phoned me to kiss me?" he says and I nod, he moves so his body his facing me and asks "so let me get this straight, you lied told Caroline that you had a boyfriend just so she wouldn't feel bad about dating Tyler?" he says and I nod

"i also told her I have had said boyfriend for around two months" I say and his eyes widen even more causing me to bury my face in my hands

"Yn?!? do you know how insane this is?" he asks laughing slightly as he say is an I nod looking back up and meeting his gaze

"I know i know and i'm sorry to drag you into this but you were the first person i thought of and trust the most- " I say and I meant to continue but the slight smile that took over his face distracted me. He looked down for a moment before saying 

"has anyone ever told you that you are possibly one of the most stupid yet caring person in the world?" he says making me laugh a little. He shakes his head before saying "how long would this charade need to be kept up?" he asks and my mind goes blank I really didn't think this far ahead 

"i i i don't know" I say and I look back down at my hands "until they are official? I guess?" I say and he nods before moving his arm and wrapping it around my shoulders pulling me into him and he sighs

"why do you always create these messes for yourself?" he says and I laugh shaking my head 

"believe me Salvatore i have been asking myself that same question for years" I say causing us both to laugh and we stay like this for a few moments as i think we are both trying to wrap our heads about what just happened. But something I do know is that the heat coming from his body I found comforting. This is new

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