selfish - Elijah - part 2

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please read part one before continuing, thank you!💕

I was crouched on the ground with my hand over my lips trying to wrap my head around what just happened, what Elijah just confessed to me. Years ago those words were all I wanted to hear and dreamed of hearing but now, those three words have caused my world to come crashing down. How the hell are you supposed to react when your first love tells you he has loved you all this time and kisses you out of the blue? I love Damon so much and Elijah knows this and he kissed me anyway, he confessed his love to me anyway. The anger and frustration starts to build and I know I need to confront him so I shake myself out of this trance and walk over to the side table to grab my car keys from the side table and head over to the compound. Just as my hand reaches for my door handle my phone starts to ring so I take it out of my back pocket and see that Damon is phoning me, my heart lurches when i read his name and a feeling of guilt starts to grow 

"hey honey, everything ok?" I say answering

"no it's all going to shit which is why I need to hear your voice otherwise I might murder someone" he says which I can't help but laugh at 

"what's happened?" I say and I hear a sigh on the other end of the line

"she has gone back into hiding and we are making stupid mistakes, the originals being here is causing a distraction and we're not concentrating." he says and I can tell he's annoyed "they were meant to hlp but didn't show up" he says making my heart sink

"what're you thinking then?" I ask and he sighs again

"we need them gone" he says and this time I sigh, I had a thought but it would still involve me going to the compound and I'm not sure I could face Elijah right now as my anger has subsided

"want me to talk to them?" I ask hesitantly 

"hell no" he says immediately and I sigh

"Damon.." I say but he interrupts

"not when i'm not there to keep you safe and and none of our so called friends will set foot in there" he says and i say 

"they know me, they trust me nothing will happen, I'll even ask to meet at the grille or something. They'd never hurt me Damon" I say and there is a silence on the other end of the phone so I know he's trying to come up with an excuse 

"I don't like this" he says quietly and I let out a small sigh

"I know" I say. We are both quiet for a few seconds before I say "I just want to help" I say and i hear him let out a laugh

"I know" he says "doesn't mean I have to like it" he says and i let out a laugh before there's another pause trying to control the tears threatening to call

"Dam?" I say voice coming out all shaky

"yeah?" he replies 

"there's something I need to tell you and I i- want to tell you now but it's not something I um think should be told over the phone" I say quietly

"ok? what's wrong are you hurt? has something happened?" he says and I can hear the worry building in his voice

"no no not hurt, but it involves Elijah" I say crying, there's silence before I say "he came over to talk and he um" I try and finish but I don't know how to tell my boyfriend my first love told me he loves me 

"told you he loves you" he says and I pause 

"yeah.." I say sniffling and as if he could read my mind through the phone he continues

'when they were at the house he was looking at you the way I look at you, not subtle I may add" he says causing me to laugh and wipe tears "there's that adorable laugh" he says 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now