game time - Tyler

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a/n unsure about this chapter but hope you enjoy aha

your family are his family

"hello hello the favourite has arrived" i shout as me and my boyfriend enter my childhood home and look around to see if anyone is in view, the sound of someone running fills the all and my brother speeds down the stairs but stops halfway looking behind me

"he's not with you?" is all he says and my heart sinks, this is when my uncle Peter and cousin Malia appear from the kitchen and before i say anything to them i turn back to my brother 

"no, bu-" my brother turns around ignoring me 

"he said he's coming to this one he promised he will be here" he says storming back up the stairs

"Andy!" i say and the sound of his bedroom door slamming confirms his answer and his mood with me. I turn back to Tyler who's giving me a knowing look and I roll my eyes before walking over to my uncle and cousin "he's not here?" is all i say and Peter shakes his head and we share a quick hug

"no sign yet" and I laugh

"after all these years and all the false promises i shouldn't be suprised by this but this is different" i say pointing upstairs to where Andy is "he fucking promised" I say as Malia comes over to offer me a hug.

"he might show up" Tyler offers giving my shoulder a squeeze before going over to hug Peter and Malia

" i'll beleive it when i see it" I say before Malia rolls her eyes at me

"how you doing?" Peter says giving him a pat in the shoulder

"well yeah, not much to report" he says and they share an unspoken look, Peter and Mali know that Tyler's a werewolf so they always look out foreachother which warms my heart. Knowing how much they have welcomed him in. It also meant they approved and knew he would keep me safe.

 "come on, I'll make us all coffee" he says ushering us in to the kitchen and asking about university and the student life. We all knew mine was a boy rocky the past month when Andy got sick. He was in the hospital for two months and i dropped everything and had to do all my modules and classes online in the hospital , studying medicine there could've been worse places to do online lectures, our father was nowhere to be seen who knows if he actually knew Andy had severe pneumonia. Tyler came to be with me as much as his course would let him, i knew Andy appreciated this. Peter had to literally drive me to the airport after he was checked out of hospital to make sure I went back to Boston. I knew he was just wanting to make sure i was actually enjoying it and focusing on me, for once and not Andy. Peter has been the primary father figure in our lives and he has always been the one to take care of us, making sure i was acting like the parent when i should've have had to be. He moved states to come and raise us. Our dad moves states to get away from us.

"how're you both feeling about exams coming up?" Malia asks and i smile

"i feel quite good, mine are all spread out so i have a bit of breathing room in between unlike this one" he says putting and arm around my shoulder and squeezing me

"ha ha please keep bragging" i say then turn to Peter and Malia and say "all my labs are in one week, then all the reports on those labs are in the next week as well as the actual exams themselves" i say and Malia whistles and i nod in response

"you always worked well under pressure, you will be great" Peter says and I smile

"how's he been?" Tyler asks and Peter sighs

"he's excited for the game and getting back on the field, but he has his hopes up for your dad to show" He pauses for a moment "i've tried calling and messaging him all wekk but i've not got a single response" he says and I nod 

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