mini me - Kai (request)

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request!! @Anonimus6_5 I hope you like it 💕

You and Kai have given birth to you first child together, and you introduce your child to your family 

My life has been interesting to say the least

1. I am a Mikaelson, Klaus and Haley are my parents

2. My best friends are Damon, Stefan and Elena 

3. I am married to Kai Parker

Yeah, the film writes itself. 

Another thing to note is that yesterday I gave birth to our wonderful daughter Amara Maria Mikaelson-Parker. I may be biased but she is perfect, she arrived on time, my pregnancy wasn't to bad considered I was giving birth to a supernatural baby, and the labour was not to bad.

We spent the night in hospital just to make sure me and the baby are ok before heading home. Home being the compound. Yeah let me explain. As soon as I told my parents that i was pregnant, that they will have a grandchild, they went into full protect at all costs mode. They moved me and Kai into the compound and made sure it was fully baby proofed, I was to have full 24 hour protection. Because according to my dad my Hybrid husband was not enough.

Kai at first was like hell no and was ready to move state before living with the original hybrid,  until my mother threatened him and gave him no other option. 


Kai was out of the room signing the last of the papers so I was sitting on the bed with Amara in our room

"you ready to meet your family little one?" I say stroking her delicate cheek with my finger, she wriggles a bit making me laugh "i'll take that as a yes" i say giving her a kiss on the forehead. 

"god knows how this will go, your family aren't normal by any means but know this Amara. You are going to be loved and adored so much" I say and I look up to see my husband walking in the room

"my two girlls ready to move in to the land of the psychos" he says with a smirk and I give him a glare

"like you are any better" I say and he rolls his eyes before sitting next to me on the bed

"you make me better my love" he says kissing my forehead. I turn to him and grab his free hand

"once we leave this room, our life will never be the same" I say and he nods

"I know... you ready?" he says and I give him a smile

"I have you and our daughter, I have all i need" i say before leaning in and kissing him

"she has your good looks" he says and i laugh

"that must mean she will have your temper?" I say smirking and he rolls his eyes standing up retorting with this

"ha ha ha. do you remember who your parents are?". he grabs the bags and I stand up putting her in her carrier. Once she is all secure I take his hand and I say

"I love you Parker" he smiles 

"I love you more"

With that we walk out of the hospital and head home.

at the compound

I push open the door to the compound and I leave it open for Kai so he can get the bags through

"we are home" I shout and before i know it I am surrounded by the aunts and uncles 

"woah, don't crowd please" Kai says and he guides me through to the sitting room

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