At first - Stefan - Part 2

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thank u to those who requested this, hope u enjoy!

I spent the rest of the day in my dorm room either sobbing or just staring into the distance. I could not believe that he would say things like that. How could he be so so cruel?  I messaged the girls saying I was going to be mia for the rest of the day. They would come and check in on me between classes. I turned my phone of so I don't see any messages so it was the inly way they could check I was still there. When they were done with classes we ordered food and watched movies in bed. They would ask if I wanted to talk about it but I just shook my head and said nothing. All I want to do is leave this day behind me.

I did eventually breakdown and reveal it was all fake, which let them shocked and confused. Especially Caroline. But once I explained they understood and tried to comfort me in any way they could.


"where you going?" I hear the tired voice of Elena call after me as I'm packing my bag

"got my meeting with Wes, remember?" I say and she nods giving me a look causing me to roll my eyes "don't look at me like that" i say 

"what will it look like if he comes here asking for you and we say you're with Wes?" she says trying to be optimistic and giving me hope that Stefan will come running 

"Stefan made it perfectly clear that he does not care so i am not going to sit around and make a fool of myself. Plus my academic career and my meetings with my PROFESSOR is none of his concern. He made that abundantly clear" i say swinging my bag over my shoulder and walking towards the door and she runs after me

"Y/n, he cares about you, a lot. He just- " she goes to say but I put a hand on her arm 

"Lena please.. don't" I say as i feel the tears begin to well up, she notices and nods, not saying anymore. I give her a sad smile before I leave her at our dorm door. 


"Y/n? did you hear me?" Wes saying bringing me out of my  thoughts and I turn to him trying to act like I was paying attention

"sorry could you repeat that?" I say and he places the papers he's holding down and leans forwards slightly

"are you alright? you seem a little distracted" he says and I nod

"sorry, it's been a rough 24 hours but I'm fine please continue" I say as he gives me a sad smile 

"you sure?" he says and i nod. He opens his mouth to begin but then he pauses and takes a moment, like he's thinking over what he is about to say "you know, i am always here if you need someone to talk to Y/n. About anything" he says and i nod giving him a smile hoping he will take the hint that I don't want to talk about Stefan. Especially with him.



The events of yesterday have not stopped running through my head, how could I have been so horrible so fucking cruel to the person I care about most. The person i... love. I tried to see them but Caroline wouldn't let me in the room and said you didn't want to see me which is perfectly fair. I just needed a chance to explain and apologise but she was not having it. I tried calling, leaving voicemails, texted them but I got no response.


"You are a fucking idiot Stefan" Damon says as he is making himself a drink whilst I pace in our lounge

"why did I say those things" I say placing my hands on my face trying to rubbing it

"one word for you brother, JEALOUS" he says taking a sip and I stop in my tracks like a deer in headlights "it's so obvious you love them Stefan and if you had just told them I am more than sure it would be reciprocated" he says taking a sip and I continue to stare at him

"how'd?" I start to say and he rolls his eyes

"you are both terrible liars" he say and i sigh collapsing on the sofa in defeat bringing up my arms to cover my face

"i really fucking messed up Damon, you should've heard the things I said to them" I say and I hear an audible sigh "I don't know why i did just the thought of them alone with him" I say shaking my head 

"brother I'm not the one you need to be saying this to" He says and I remove my arms so i can see him

"they don't want to talk to me" I say and he sighs sitting down next me and he brings out his phone and starts scrolling through his messages 

"they will hate that I am showing you this but I have their college schedule" he says passing his phone and I look down and can see all their classes

"I've sent it to your phone now grow a pair and them tell you love them and for christ sake try to not screw it up" he says and I nod standing up and rushing out the house.


Your POV

I closed the door to Wes' office and began walking towards the staircase as I wanted to sit out on the picnic benches for a bit to try and clear my head before seeing the girls again. As soon as the cool air hit I took a deep breath before moving again. I found myself gravitating to a particular bench and I don't know why but I went and sat down. It wasn't until my hand on the table I remembered this was where I kissed Stefan for the first time. The catalyst that made me fall in love with him, and ultimately got burned for it.

"mind if I sit?" a voice bringing me out of a thought, the voice which makes my heart flutter

"Ste-" i go to start but he holds his hands up 

"please just hear me out, i know I have no right to say this of you and I know I do not deserve this but please " he says sitting down and I say

"Stefan I need more time those things you said" I say shaking my head

"I cannot apologise enough for that Y/n, they are inexcusable" he says and I nod

"you don't get it" i say going to stand up but he places a hand on my arm and gently pulls me back down 

"I think i do" he says and I go to speak again but he starts 

"please let me say this because if i don't say it now I will regret this for the rest of my life" he says and i give him a look "well eternity" he says and I can't help but giggle

"god i'm supposed to be mad at you" i say and he smiles softly before taking a deep breath

" Thanks to Damon I have finally admitted to myself the reason i would always get so angry or frustrated at the thought of you with Wes and it wasn't because of Damon or you. It was because I was so fucking jealous, jealous that you were spending time with him and he can make you laugh. I want to be the one to make you laugh as it it one of the most magical sounds in the world" he says pausing and the small smile on my face as fallen and i am just staring at him my brain trying to process what I just heard. His hands gently reach my mine and he holds them on my lap "I've always felt this connection between us, I know you have to, I guess it has just taken me a long time and all of this to release that you are what I want. And I was to do everything I can to make you happy, if you'll let me" he says and my eyes search his eyes for the catch or some indication that this is another joke 

"you? you like me?" I ask and he nods

"there was probably a more eloquent way I could've said it but yes" he says making me laugh again and I look back up at him

"well it is safe to say I feel the same way" I say and his grins grows wide and he places his hands on my face and pulls me in kissing me. The moment our lips met it felt like everything had slipped into place. 

Yes, we will have a lot to work through, but we will do it together. Finally

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now