i'll make this feel like home - Stefan

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you are looking for your first home together

"what about this one?" Stefans voice rings from the kitchen and I sigh walking through to see what he has found. I look at the screen and see a very nice suburban home which looks like it was taken out of a Nicholas Sparks novel. This was probably the tenth house Stefan had shown me and i knew from the moment i saw it I was going to say no. I knew how hard he was trying and that i was being unreasonable but i wanted it to be the perfect house, and i think subconsciously I was nervous about this big step. I loved my apartment, I've got many amazing memories there and I guess i wanted to only leave it for the "perfect house". 

"yeah it's nice" i say and I can see his head drop 

"what's the problem with this house?" he says looking up at me and i get a bit defensive, lifting up my hands

"nothing, I didn't say a word" I say placing a hand on his shoulder causing him to stand up and nudge my hand off. 

"there is always something wrong so what is the problem?" he says and I sigh before walking over to him and placing my hands on his arms rubbing. He looks up avoiding eye contact with me.

"honey, I know I'm being anal about this but it's a very important decision we are making here. This is the beginning of the rest of our lives and I want it to be perfect" i say and he nods before finally looking me in the eyes. He stares at me for a moment before moving out of my grip and walking back over to the laptop, he closed it and begins to walk out the kitchen. Confused i follow him to the door of the kitchen before calling after him "where you going?" I ask and I here 

"I'm meeting Ric and Damon remember" he says as he walks up the stairs. I stand there for a moment trying to wrap my head around what just happened, as i try to figure it out i hear him coming back down stairs. I walk towards him but he grabs his keys and head straight for the door. Before i could say another word he says

"see you later" he says giving me a polite smile as he opens then closes the door behind him. Leaving me confused and speechless in the hallway. I turn back around and walk towards the sofa trying to work out what happened, so i grab my phone and I decide to call Elena and see if she can come over. It rings a couple of times before she answers

"Hey Y/n, what up?" she asks 

"Hi Lena, um are you doing anything right now?" I ask 

"nope, just in my house why?" she asks 

"i was wondering if you wanted to come over or I could come and see you? i need your advice on something or just someone to talk you" I start to ramble and she laughs

"Of course I'll come over and we can chat ok?" she says and i nod

"yeah sounds good thank you" I say and she laughs

"no problem, see you in a few minutes you at the boarding house?". she asks and i replu

"yeah I am" 

"ok i'll see you in a few" she replies. I chuck my phone on the sofa and I begin to pace the lounge knowing i will not sit still. 


As soon as the doorbell wrongs i run over to open the door and pull her in 

"woah what's going on" she says 

"i'm worried i'm pushing away Stefan and it's because I'm being selfish" i say and she puts her hands on my arm

"ok ok, let's go into the kitchen to I can make us some tea, and you can walk me through this" she says and I nod. We head into the kitchen and I explain to her the events of this morning up to Stefan leaving and me calling her. She lets me rant to her as I pour the tea. We sit down at the dinner table and she sighs

"Y/n, you have not pushed him away, i think he's just getting a bit frustrated with everything" she says and I nod

"he's just trying to do a nice thing for our relationship and I keep shooting him down because I'm scared" i say and she takes a deep breath

"which is understandable" she says and I look at her nodding "do you know what you need to do?" she says and I look at her 

"yes, but i need you to say it so I'm more likely to do it" I say and she puts her hand on my free one

"you need to tell him how you are feeling, not to sound like an old record but communication is key in a relationship" she says and I nod 

"i do i really do" I say taking a sip of my tea "do you know where he was meeting them?" I ask and she nods

"i'll take you once we finish our tea" she says and i smile at her

"what would i do without you?" I say and she smirks

"be very sad". 


We arrive at Rics house and I make her come with me so I am not alone incase this goes sideways. She rings the doorbell and we wait for a few moments before he answers

"hey guys, come in" he says moving away and he lets us past and I walk through and see the two boys sitting in the dining room. i slowly make my way towards them, i can hear elena and ric talking about something behind me but my attention is on my boyfriend who looks deep in discussion with Damon. I knock on the door and they both turn their attention to me

"Yn?!" Stefan says standing up and I give him a sad smile before nodding a hello to Damon before saying 

"can we talk please?" I ask and he nods walking over towards, I turn to Ric before asking "is there a place we can go so Damon won't eavesdrop?" I ask and he laughs 

"use the guest room" he says and I nod before heading up the stairs. We walk in silence so the sound of my heart beating is deafening. Once we are in the room he says 

"are you ok, your heart is racing" he says and I nod as we both sit down on the bed

"yes yes, I'm just plucking up the courage to say something incredibly selfish" I say and he nods

" I'm so sorry i have been a bitch when it has come to choosing a house, i guess i have built up all these unrealistic expectations about how it has to be perfect so i can leave my apartment. I made a deal with myself that I would only leave that apartment for the perfect house but that is stupid. I've jsut been scared of this next step but I shouldn't be because we are taking this step together. I love you Stefan so so much. Where I am with you, that is home" I say and he smiles at me for a moment before leaning over and kissing me

"i love you so much and i can't wait to create a home with you" I say and he smiles at me

" i love you Y/n" he says and I smile

"i really did like the one you showed me this morning, in fact I loved it" I say and he smiles

"me too" he says "shall we put an offer in tomorrow?" he says and I start smiling like crazy 

"what?" he says scanning my face

"how about we out one in now?" i say. He looks at me for a moment before leaning down and picking up my legs so he is carrying me bridal style

"i love you so much" he says before leaning in and kissing me. 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now