praying on you tonight - Kai

715 10 2

requested by @RinckiKaur hope you enjoy!

you become his everything

People always say they have an obsession, they just casually say they are obsessed with a tv show or a particular singer. But they are not actually obsessed.

Obsession is much darker. Much more powerful. Much more lethal.

I had only met Kai Parker a handful of times yet that was enough for him to form what started as a harmful crush. But i fear it is now become much more. 


"another package?" Bonnie asks as she inspects it from afar and i nod from the sofa I am sitting on. This is the second, mysterious, package that has shown up on my doorstep in a week. No note and no explanation. Damon was scanning some of the letters to see if he could try and deduce the handwriting but it wasn't anyone we knew and, of course, there was no sign of or signature.

"you sure you haven't ordered something and forgot about it?" Damon asks sitting down next to me and I shake my head

"positive" I say and Bonnie nods before closing her eyes, raising her hands slightly, and concentrating to see if there is any magic attached to it. As I watch her my mind goes back to all the strange occurrences that have happened to me. Started of with flowers being delivered to my house, then letters and now boxes?

"nothing" she says and I lean back hoping it would relieve some of the tension I was feeling but I was wrong. For the past few days I have been trying to rack my brain for a something I did to cause something to start sending me things, and who the fuck it was? I hear Damon sigh as he reaches over and is about to start opening the package but then the doorbell rings, so i shoot them a confused glance before standing up and heading over to the door. As I reach to grab the door handle I feel a hand on my arm pulling me back slightly so he is now in front of me and is safe to open the door. When he does it reveals someone unexpected 

"what the hell are you doing here?" Damon asks to Kai as he just stands there smiling 

"pun intended?" he asks cause Damon to grip the door tighter and he lets out a sigh "answer the question Parker" he says and causes eyes flick towards me before he turns his attention back towards Damon 

"just thought I'd pop by and see how things are going and if I can be of any assistance to my two favourite prison world roomates. And Y/n" he says sending a wink my way before a voice chimes in from behind us

"the help you can be is by going and rotting in hell" Bonnie says before moving in front of both me and Damon then slamming the door in his face leaving the both of us in shock and also impressed. As she walks away and Damon goes to join her I stay put for a moment as I thought crosses my mind and I can't quite seem to shake it. I walk back through to wear the package is and I open it to see if it could aid my worried thoughts, but instead I open it to see a dress, this causes my heart to stop and a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach

"a dress?" Bonnie says lifting it up and I bring my hands to my mouth

"oh god" I say and they both turn to me with a worried looks and I breath for a second before continuing "I have been looking at this dress in the window for a month, everytime i walk past it i look at it but can't bring myself to buy it as it was too expensive" i say and the both exchange a worried look before I pick up the dress and I head straight for the front door swinging it open and storming towards my neighbours house and knocking on their door. When she opens it I hold out the dress for her

"I bought this but it doesn't fit me and I thought it would look lovely on you so I want you to have it" I say as she takes it 

"oh it's gorgeous Y/n, are you sure you don't want it?" she asks and I shake my head rapidly 

"yes, please take it" I say and she smiles 

"thank you" she says and i nod, we then say our goodbyes and I quickly head back into my house and I see my two slightly bewildered friends and I give them both a look before heading back to the sofa and sitting down.

We spent the rest of the evening just chatting trying to get on with it but you could feel the tension and the anxiety in the air. Something has shifted.


Over the next couple of week i have become much more aware of my surroundings and who I am with, how close people are to me, what i mention in a public space. Ever since all of these things i have been happening I want to make sure I and the people around me are safe. However, something I have noticed and I don't know whether this is my paranoia or if it genuine. But I feel like somebody's watching me, wherever I go I feel like there is a pair of eyes watching my every move. I would love over my shoulder to try and catch them but I would see no one, maybe once I saw a shadow move quickly behind a building but when I ran over to catch them there was no one. I was alone 


I was making my way over to the grille and as me and the girls had arranged to meet there for lunch, when I arrived I headed straight for our usual booth but I spotted something which made my heart sink. A letter on the table, I was about to walk over but I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch, I whip around to see Kai

"hello there" he says and I take a moment to process what he just said 

"what are you doing here?" I ask and a small smirk forms on his lips 

"i was just wondering around the town looking for people to torment but as I walked past the entrance to this fine establishment, I got a whiff on the most gorgeous scent and I know it had to be you" he says and my mouth falls open slightly because I have no idea how to respond that

"you? you knew what I smell like?" I say and he nods

"I know everything about you Y/n. I probably know you better than you know yourself" he says walking closer to me causing me to step back slightly "I know all your secrets and desires" he says walking me over until I trip and land in the chair at the table. He then proceeds to place one of his arms on the table and leans down so i cannot move

"I have memories everything thing about you, I have thought about you everyday. Thoughts of desire fill my mind thinking of what I could do with you. Show you how you are mine" leaning so close our lips are almost touching

"what do you want with me?" I say very weakly with a shaky breath and he leans closer so his mouth is right against my ear

"I want you Y/n" he says before zooming away leaving me stuck not able to move.

what the fuck!

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now