boss bitch - Enzo

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you catch someone lying and have some fun with it

"i'm fucking shattered" I say to Bonnie as we're walking inside the grille, me and my husband were meeting their before heading out to a nice dinner. Bonnie and I planned to have a catch up anyway that day so she arranged to meet Jeremy there so we could have more time together. She laughed as we reached our usual booth

"well that's what you get for working yourself to the bone" she says and I roll my eyes

"i can always count on you for sympathy" I say before chucking my back down

"all i'm saying is you said yes to a promotion and the longer hours" she says

"yes i know but it's its also nice when you agree with me even when i'm wrong" I say laughing  

"ok i'm sorry let me lie to you (mr/mrs) CIA" she says and I roll my eyes

"yeah yeah you want a drink whilst we wait?" I say and she says

"I'll just have a coke" she says and I nod and make my way over to the bar. I sit down on one of the stools to wait, for the bartender to finish serving a customer, and i look around the bar and try to people watch. Cause of the nature of my job it's sometimes hard to switch off that side of my brain and not analyse people, and try to just absentmindedly watch. My eyes catch this guy at the end of the bar, he's leaning is back on the counter and is standing facing out, he looks like he wants to be approached, wants to be looked at. My suspicions are confirmed when we make eye contact and he slowly walks over to me smiling and i think oh boy. I managed to make eye  contact with the bartender, Jamie, who happens to be a friend of ours he smiles at me as i say

"two cokes please Jamie" he nods and asks

"boring of you two, you want ice and a slice?" i nod

"yes please that'd be great" I say and a voice comes from beside me 

"you're not from this side of the pond" and i look up to see the guy from the end of the bar

"well observed" I say turning my attention back to the bartender

"you English?" he asks and i scoff

"Scottish actually" I say and he smirks

"sorry my observation skills must be off I'm so distracted by your beauty" he says and i shake my head

"does that line ever work for you?" I say as i feel my phone buzz in my, using this as an opportunity to ignore him

"will it hurt my chances if i said yes?" he says and I slowly look back up at him

"wow" is all i say before checking to see it was my husband to texted

Enz❤️  - me and Damon have just finished so I'll go give Jeremy a lift, I'll be max 20 minutes xx

"would my chances me better if i told you i worked for the CIA?" he says smugly and this peaks my interest. This will be fun. I smile at i turn to him

"or really? Mr?" I say motion for him to continue

"Reid, Spencer Reid" he says and i almost burst knowing this man as not watched a single episode of criminal minds 

"like the character?" I say narrowing my eyes and he nods

"the very same" he says smirking 

 "what do you do in the CIA then?" I say

"I am a detective chief inspector" he says and I give a nod to the bartender, say thanks, who is smiling as he knows who i work for. He mouths have fun and i nod

"is that an official position Mr Reid or have you just bought yourself fancy suit?" I say with a smug smile before walking fastly back to Bonnie who is giving me a wide eyed glare and asks when i sit down

"you ok?" and i nod

"just this guy claiming he works for the CIA to try and get laid" I say and he looks taken aback for a second before saying 

"isn't that against the law" she asks and I nod "did he not see the rings on your finger?" she asks and i shake my head taking a sip of my drinks

"he's not that observant, now shall you phone Matt to get here or shall i?" I say and he smiles getting her phone out, when i look away I see Enzo walking towards me and i smile pulling him in for a hug

"oh how i missed you" I say pulling away so i can kiss him

"i missed you too gorgeous" he says 

"good day?" I ask and he shrugs 

"a bit boring actually not a lot happened, just counting down the hours til i could see you" he says and I smile

"well it might just perk up" I say as i move so he can sit in the booth next to me, Bonnie was off the phone and she sat back down 

"Matt's a minute away" she says and Enzo gives the both of us a questioning look 

"what's going on?" he says moving an arm to rest on on the booth and stroking my shoulder and i grin turning to him

"caught someone impersonation and officer to try and get in my pants" I say and  he looks surprised for a moment before laughing and saying

"jesus christ" and i turn over to see the man in question walking over to our table and i turn to the two of them and say

"ready for a show?" I say wiggling my eyebrows, Enzo and Bonnie share a look before she raises her glass to him

"so can i take you out?" the guy says

"i was just telling these two a "met" and CIA agent" I say leaning back into Enzo and i feel his chest moving with laughter bit he manages to compose himself enough to ask

"can i see the badge mate?" I say and he motions to grab something and says 

"I'm sorry that's classified" he says 

"you can't show me your badge? how will I know your telling the truth?" Bonnie says to him leaning over her elbow he says 

"just have to trust me  on that one" he says and I smile

"well Spencer clearly ypur observation skills were off as you failed to see I'm very happily married" i say holding up my left and flashing my rings and Enzo does the same and Reid looks slightly annoyed

"i see" he says going to move but I'm not finished yet and i say

"woah hold on there Spency, just for fun,  just out of curiosity does your badge look anything like this?" I say bringing out my badge and showing it to him with a smug grin as we watch his face falls and he looks like a deer caught in headlights. Matt appears at the entrance and spots us, the guy moves to walk away but Matt caught up with him and places a hand on his shoulder

"you do realise it's illegal to impersonate a federal officer" he asks phrasing it like a question and he begins to shake and before he can say anything Matt walks him away and out the grill. Bonnie excuses herself and Enzo takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around my waist

"that was fucking hot" he says and I smile

"oh yeah?" I say and he nods

"if i hadn't already put a ring on it" he says and I laugh

"wow that would've done it for you?" i ask and he responds by kissing me and I smile pulling away "come on we've got a reservation to make" I say taking his hand and leading him out the grille and towards the car.

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