who might you be? - Stefan

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You two meet for the first time and he takes a liking to you

"how's the unpacking coming?" Bekahs voice says from the doorway of my new room and I turn around placing my hands on my hips sighing

"i've done as much as I can handle today, you still ok to take me to look at the school?" I ask and she nods

"yeah, give me 5 minutes and I'll be ready" she says and walking away and I smile

"you told them we're going?" I say with a smile walking over to her grabbing an oversized hoodie and pulling it over my head and heading towards the stairs

"nope" Bekah shouts from her room and I laugh as I make my way downstairs "nice outfit hoping to meet some cute boys" she says and I look down, having forgotten i was wearing shorts it now looks like i'm wearing nothing on the bottom half,  already half way down the stairs and shrug

"i'll be in the car anyway" I say and she laughs from behind. Once we're downstairs Bekah pauses for a second looking around and when she see's one of Niks lackies in the distance she speeds over to him and compels him not to tell Nik where we're going. I begin to wonder round taking in my new home and trying to look at it as a fresh start. Even though I was very content with New Orleans snd my friends Nik had other plans and there was no way in hell he was leaving me, a mere human, there by myself without him or my other brothers protection. 

"well that's that" she says with a smug smile and I roll my eyes at her

"its not gonna work" I say and she looks at me

"at least go along with my delusions" she says and i smile walking over to her and hugging her

"sorry thank you again for doing this, and for persuading Nik not to homeschool me" she rubs my back before pulling away

"we didn't get a normal upbringing, i didn't want that for you and in his own way Nik wanted that but let his ginormous ego get in the way" she says

"i know he means well but as I keep telling him his "protection" can be suffocating" I say and she nods

"that's what we get for being the younger siblings" she says and i joke

"it's not fair im not even related" I say which causes her to shove me

"hey your family so fucking deal with it" she says and before I can protest the door bursts open and the Mikaelson brothers saunter in and Nik eyes the two of us suspiciously 

"hello you two" Elijah says walking over to us and giving me a breif hug before heading to sit in the sofa, Kol heads straight to the liquor, not without rubbing my hair on the way past causing me to whack his arm

"where were you off to?" he asks and i sigh

"i'm taking Y/-" Bekah starts to say but they all pause and I can tell they are all listening 

"wha-" I start to say but Nik quickly walks over to me and holds a finger to his lips to tell me to keep quiet

"Bekah i suggest you go do whatever it is you were going to do that I'll no doubt hate" he says and she nods grabbing my arm and speeds us to the garage rushing to get in the car. It's not until our steabelts are on she cares to inform me

"that was Stefan and Damon coming to play"

as we're pulling out the garage I turn to look at the front door and see the two brothers who turned around when the heard the car and i sucked in a breath and thought to myself holy shit i'm in trouble


"can you smell something?" i ask Damon as we approach the front door, we don't bother knocking cause they'll know we're here 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now