sleepyhead - Kol

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you are there for him when he needs you 

"are you sure you'll be ok and that there's enough food?" Elena asks for the millionth time, i nod gently pushing her closer and closer to the front door

"yes there's enough food for the two night's i'll be here alone and if i run out i will order some now go we both have a lot of studying to do" I say reaching for the door handle but her hands stops me

"i feel bad leaving you though when we're both stressed " she says and i sigh

"you said need some time away and the boarding house is a great study spot plus you'll be with your boyfriend. I need the library and you hate it when I leave books lying around and trust me there'll be a lot. Now go, i don't want to see you til monday" i say opening the door and moving her outside and close the door before she can protest more. Sigh of relief as i turn around and look at the our flat, i sigh before saying to myself let's get to work. After a solid three hours of reading and note taking i thought it was time to have some of the leftover stir fry i made last night, just as i was putting it in the microwave my phone pinged, i sigh thinking it'll be Elena checking in but i see it's a message from my boyfriend

Kol are you in your flat right now?  x 

i look at the messaged confused before replying 

me yeah i'm gonna be studying all weekend, Lena's studying at Damon's, everything ok? x

Kol yeah 

i don't believe him for a second

me Kol what's wrong? x

Kol just the typical family drama x

he's still typing and when I'm about to reply another message comes through

Kol sorry for bothering you whilst your studying, i won't distract you any longer. Talk tomorrow x

i sigh at my phone knowing my heart breaking looking at the texts knowing boyfriend needs me, i quickly type 

me my love please don't apologise and i'm sorry your dealing with all this. It's not fair. You know you can bother me any time. I'm planning on doing an all nighter so I'll be up and I'll always answer you. I love you x 

I wait a few moments to see if I'll get a reply from him, he reads it immediately but after  five minutes of no response I know i won't get one. I finish my food then put my phone down and get back to my notes and the chapter i was reading. This continues until till around midnight only because I don;'t think i can rub my eyes anymore or read anymore of the tiny text. So I gather my stuff and take it into my bedroom, deciding the next best thing to do is a past paper in bed, meaning no books and I can see what if what i just memorized stuck. I was maybe 45 minutes into the paper when the sound of our buzzer rang through the empty flat, confused I rush out of bed to check the camera as see it's 

"Kol?" is pressing the intercom

"hey darling" he say quietly giving me a small wave causing my heart to break and my worry into overdrive, i immediately press the button letting him in and when i see him walks inside the building i rush over to my front door and open it to see my boyfriend standing there hinch shoulders, head down looking defeated

"honey" i say brining a hand to his cheek so he'd look at me and he just engulf me into a bone crushing hug, knocking me back slightly. He starts to sob and i gently walk us slowly into my flat so I can shut the door. We just stand there and i hold him as he cries, gently move one of my hands to the back of his necks stroking it to try and sooth him my other hand stays firmly on his back so he doesn't lose his balance. Neither of us say anything as i want him to talk when he's ready, i don't say anything so i can leave the space open for him. My only job right now is to be here for him and make sure he's ok and safe. We stay like this for I don't know how long, but when his breathings even out and becomes less shaky he pulls away and i wipe the tears from his face

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now