royal to be - Elijah

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Your father is a Duke and is very well respected by the crown. He wants to ensure you have a great future

Growing up in a family who is is the public eye has it's challenges, being born into a powerful family who has close connected to the crown also comes with even more challenges. My father was the queen's advisor, but after he fulfilled his duties she made him a Duke of an estate.  Don't get me wrong the are so many pros and I am very fortunate to have received the education and opportunities I have. 

Having cameras following me everywhere? not so much. Any big event I have whether it is a concert, hockey match or even just a cup of coffee with friends, cameras and paps will always follow. 

That is why my parents from when I was very young have been trying to match me with sons of dukes, earls you name it. One of my fathers friends, who happens to be one of the Queens children, a prince, has a son called Alfie and we have been friends our whole lives. We both new our parents wanted us together but neither of us felt that way for each other. And he is third in line for the throne.

I decided to apply to a university abroad and I got into Columbia in New York, and i got in. One of my closest friends also got in so I knew I would have a friendly face. My family were very apprehensive about letting me study abroad as I would be far away from them, I wouldn't be as protected etc. I managed the to persuade them to let me go, if I agreed to having bodyguards go with me and be my live in bodyguard. I also have to carry out my duties in America whenever required

Four years later and I am in love with New York City, I realised that this is where I want to be for the rest of my life. But that can't happen. Another reason I want to stay here is because I fell in love, I am head over heels for Elijah Mikaelson. 

I met hit at the end of my first semester at Columbia and we have been seeing each other ever since. Like the gentlemen he his he took my on a few wonderful dates, causing me not to stand the thought of him not being mine so I asked him to be my boyfriend. 

I told him from the get go who I was and he didn't bat an eye lid, he didn't care about my status or my family. He cared about the person on the inside. He cared about me. I told him about all the precautions we had to take to make sure to keep this private, my family have spoken with him to tell him how serious this situation is. And he vowed to protect me and my family any way he could. He is also aware what this might not be forever but he didn't care. He just wanted to be with me.


present day

I woke up in the morning wrapped up in my boyfriends arms, god I wanted to stay here all day but I had to go and study. I adjusted slightly so i could give him a quick kiss on the lips before wriggling out of his grip. As I sit up I hear a groan

"do you have to go?" he says and I laugh slighly before turning round

"yes, don't you want be to pass my degree?" I say leaning over and kissing his forehead "I will see you later" I say before standing up.


I have been studying in the library all day and all I wanted to do was grab a coffee on the way home, to keep me awake, then have a relaxing night with my boyfriend. I was packing up my bag as my bodyguard comes over to me 

"we have to make a detour on the route home ma'am" he says and I look at him

"what do you mean?" I say and he whispers 

"not here" he says and he raises his arm before letting me walk first. Me still being confused walk out of the library to see a a fancy rolls royce waiting out the front. As we walk down the steps a man gets out of the driver's seat walks around to open my door for me. I recognise him and the bodyguard of the Prince, i pause for second confused to what's happen

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